Tuesday, March 25, 2025


 After the storm,
peace falls upon the earth
like an emerald scarf.

After the fog lifts,
a sunrise sets
the mountains afire.

After all the obstacles,
creation gives birth
to a season of hope.

After being trounced,
tulips burst forth
from a borrowed tomb.

After the death,
a purple hyacinth unpins
fragrant blossoms.

After the fear,
yellow bell bushes ring
a golden melody.

After the sickness,
songbirds lift joyful tunes,
jet streams form a cross.
              --Brenda Kay Ledford

I wish my blogger friends a blessed Easter!


Diana said...

Beautiful daffodils and a beautiful butterfly! What a wonderful, and so meaningful, poem! Your words made me actually envision all of the settings. Thank you for your comment on my blog... I've added you to my blog list so that I can return to visit and read more of your poetry. I'll also read the blog about historical Hayesville, sounds very interesting as I'm very interested in history. Lovely to meet you, Brenda! Have a very blessed Easter!

Mari said...

A blessed Easter to you too. This is a beautiful poem.


 After the storm, peace falls upon the earth like an emerald scarf. After the fog lifts, a sunrise sets the mountains afire. After all the o...