Thursday, January 16, 2025


 An Arctic Blast socks
the Southeast, wildfires
consume the "City of Angels."

On the coldest day
of winter, an amaryllis
bursts forth in my kitchen.

Divine order of the universe
is turned upside down,
Mother Nature confused.

When the frost sparkles
like gems on needle-like-grass,
a blood-red flower shoots

from a bulb reposing on gravel,
and lifts a cup of grape juice
to toast the golden light.
          --Brenda Kay Ledford

I hope my blogger friends are staying warm and safe.

I am enjoying my amaryllis blooming in my kitchen. On a cold, snowy day, I sip a cup of hot apple cider, gaze at the beautiful flower and count my blessings.

  May we remember our neighbors in California who have lost their homes due to the wildfires.  One man who was a resident of our county, lives in California.  The fire is now five miles from his home.  May we remember Greg and thousands of other people who have lost their homes.  Also, please keep the firefighters, National Guard members, and first responders in our thoughts and prayers.


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I have an indoor amaryllis blooming, too. I love them so much. Hoping the freeze next week doesn't damage the ones planted outside. Your is so pretty. You know I love red!

Jeanette said...

Love amaryllis. I got one for Christmas a few years ago and enjoyed it so much! I don't know why I haven't bought myself one since then!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The Amaryllis brings so much beauty to a winter home. I had several and now am enjoying the last three flowers.

Shug said...

Thank you for stopping by to visit my blog. The Amaryllis reminds me so much of my husband's grandmother. They were her favorite. Keeping North Carolina and those in Southern California in my prayers. So terrible what these folks have experienced. Hoping you will visit me again.

Ginny Hartzler said...

A lovely poem. My favorite part is the fourth verse. And the flower is gorgeous. Gosh, I hope you are not in danger from the fires!!

Prims By The Water said...

I dont have a real amaryllis in my house, but do have a faux one which I simply love. Love the pop of red it brings and dont want real flowers with my dog. Am afraid he will eat them. Am hoping we all get through this polar vortex. I even heard Florida may get some snow. Any hoot, car gas tank is full, wood is stocked in case we need it and so is our refrigerator. Hope you have a great weekend and stay warm. Janice

Granny Marigold said...

Lovely poem and also lovely Amaryllis. Mine are currently dormant but I have high hopes for Spring blooms.

acorn hollow said...

Lovely poem and beautiful flower. We are in the 20s right now so I got out for a nice long walk.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

How lovely . I used to have an Amaryllis.......I need to get another one! Always love your pretty poems!


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