Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Easter Dress

My great-niece, Reagan, poses with her Easter dress.  Great-Aunt Brenda gave her the dress.

It's been a long tradition for the girls in our family to get new dresses for Easter.  Although I don't need a new dress, I wanted to get one to celebrate spring.  I saw a pretty green suit in the catalog and decided to get it.

When I called to order the dress, there was a communication breakdown with the customer representative.  She couldn't understand my Southern accent and I couldn't understand her.  She asked my name.  I told her it was Brenda.

"Linda?  Belinda? Merinda?" she asked.

I lost my patience and yelled, "No, it's Brenda!"  

There was a pause on the telephone and I thought  she had hung up.  But I learned it's not a good idea to yell at the customer service representative.  She has ways of getting even with you.

I was so excited when Fed Ex brought my package today.  It was a week early and I could hardly wait to rip open the box.

The dress was so beautiful.  A lovely shade of green.  When  I put it on the bed, I wondered if I had gained that much weight.  The dress covered half of the bed.  I had ordered size 10.  The dress looked large enough for the circus lady.  

I got my reading glasses and looked at the label.  I couldn't believe it.  The dress actually was size 100!  I had never seen a size 100 dress before.  Didn't know they made a size 100 dress.

I called my sister and asked if she wanted the dress.  She seemed a little miffed at me and retorted, "I don't want  that dress.  Return it."

I told her I couldn't return it because the dress was marked down and they wouldn't let me return it.

"Give the dress to someone at church," my sister suggested.

"No, that wouldn't work.  That would offend someone."

Finally, I decided to  donate the dress to the thrift shop.  The lady was tickled to death to get it.  

But I learned one thing from this little story.  Don't yell at the customer service rep.  She can get even with you if she wants to in unusual ways.

I hope my blogger friends got a laugh from this true story.

Have a Happy Easter!


lil red hen said...

Ha! Ha! I did get a laugh! And, your niece looks adorable in her new dress! I don't remember having a new dress for Easter but always one for decoration day.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Reagan is so pretty in her new dress. Size 100 , I’ve never heard of such a size.

Mari said...

Your niece looks so cute in her new dress!
Size 100? I didn't know they went that big either. What a bummer.

Henny Penny said...

That is the funniest story! I did get a laugh. Lots of times I have the same problem with my Southern accent. Your niece's new Easter dress is so pretty. Growing up, we always got new Easter outfits. One year I remember getting a pair of little white gloves and the cutest hat that had a blue ribbon that hung down the back, to match my dress. Also remember getting the prettiest pink dottied swiss dress one year for Easter. Those were special times.

Granny Marigold said...

Reagan's dress is so pretty. I didn't know people still got new clothes for Easter. Like Henny Penny I remember the Easter outfits from long ago though.
I love your story of the size 100 dress. I wish there would have been a picture.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

How funny! I'm sorry you were robbed of your new dress, but at least you got a lesson and a laugh out of the deal.
We always had new Easter dresses, too. What fun memories! Thank you.

Glenda Beall said...

Love your photos, Brenda. Your niece is so pretty in her pink dress. Seems to me that most of the people who take my calls these days can't understand me. Southern accents are like a foreign language to those people.
But she was really evil to send you a dress so big. But you are right we must not yell at the customer service person.
Like you, I grew up having a pretty new dress for Easter. It was the only time we had store-bought clothes like that with pretty new shoes to match.

Hootin Anni said...

OMG...she knew it was non-returnable. Nasty lady!!!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Your niece looks so sweet in her pretty dress! How you made me chuckle with your story!

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