Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Cherokee Heritage Festival

The Native American fall festival was held at the Cherokee Heritage Center in the mountain town of Hayesville, NC on Saturday, September 19, 2015. 

It was perfect weather for a fall festival.  No rain!  The bright blue skies of September dazzled above the Cherokee village.  Dusty lilac asters, goldenrods and knockout roses dotted the trail.  Cinnamon, nutmeg, molasses, and pumpkin spice leaves fluttered in the wind.

Native Americans demonstrated carving bears and arrowheads, pottery, weaving baskets, blow guns, playing stickball, and other crafts.

Dan Hollifield played a Native American flute in the Cherokee winter house.  He hand makes these instruments. 

A storyteller spun tales about the Cherokee culture.  The smell of barbecue, fried apple pies, and other food wafted across the village.

Cherokee dressed in traditional costumes entertained the crowd performing the groundhog, buffalo, frog, and corn dance.

The Cherokee Heritage Festival was the best ever held in Hayesville.  It gave you a taste of Indian culture that prevailed in western North Carolina before the Cherokees were removed to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears in 1838-1839.

You may visit my other blog to read more about the Cherokee Heritage Center and Dan Hollifield making flutes at:

This Cherokee demonstrated how to hit a target using the blow gun.  These weapons were used by the Cherokee to hunt small game.

This man is carving weapons the Cherokee used in battle.

Here is a carving of a bear that a Cherokee did at the festival.
This Cherokee is carving a bear at the festival.
Some Cherokees are in the summer Cherokee house with a campfire in front.
You'll find at the Cherokee Heritage Exhibit Center displays of tools the Cherokees used.
Dan Hollifield demonstrates playing the flute in the winter house.
Here is a Cherokee winter house.
This is a Cherokee summer house.
The Cherokee stored corn and vegetables in this little house.
This 92-year-old Cherokee still does pottery.
This lady demonstrates making pottery.
Notice the colorful blanket.
This lady is weaving baskets.
A storyteller spins tales about the Cherokee culture.
Cherokees dance in traditional costumes.
The buffalo Cherokee dance.
The Cherokee performing the frog dance.
This Cherokee and his son are playing stickball.
The Cherokee Exhibit Center in Hayesville, NC is an interesting site to visit.  It is located below the Clay County Historical and Arts Museum which is the "Old Jail Museum."  You may visit the exhibit year round.  When you get off the roundabout and head toward Hayesville, the Cherokee Exhibit is on the left side below the museum.  You might want to also visit the "Old Jail Museum."  There are many interesting exhibits there besides an excellent display on the Cherokee and their artifacts that were found at the Spikebuck Indian Mound near Hayesville on the banks of the Hiwassee River.  Also, Moss Memorial Library in Hayesville has an exciting center on the Cherokee culture. 
Give Hayesville a visit sometime!


magnoliasntea said...

What a nice tour of the Cherokee Heritage Festival. I really enjoyed your photos. Love the summer house, and I wish I had one for myself to cook under in the summertime.
Have a great rest of the week!

Susie Swanson said...

This is awesome Brenda. I didn't know they had this and will be sure to visit it soon as possible. I love all the history the Cherokee Indians have and is very interesting. Thanks for posting. Happy Fall.

Connie said...

Great photos! This sounds like a fun and fascinating festival.

KathyB. said...

Very interesting . So much colorful history in your area of the country.

Glenda Beall said...

Excellent post, Brenda. The photos are fabulous. I planned to go to the festival and it slipped my mind. I know it was great. I am going to share your blog post on Facebook. I'm sure many people would like to see these photos and read about this festival.

Deanna K. Klingel said...

Wish I had known about this. I'm going to try to visit the Heritage Center. Thank you for the information.

Nancy Simpson said...

This is a good post Brenda Kay. Thanks for sharing it with all of us. I'm sharing it with my family. We missed the festival.

lil red hen said...

Brenda, I find this all so very interesting! It's wonderful that they carry on the traditional dances, costumes, and crafts for others to learn about their history. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Richard MacCrea said...

You mentioned the flowers blooming. This time of the year all the wildflowers of many types are either yellow or lilac. It's a theme that always introduces the fall foliage.

TexWisGirl said...

it looks wonderful. pretty day and great works and rites being demonstrated and shared.

Janet, said...

Love your post. Interesting facts and pictures. Would love to visit there some day.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What a great exhibition, Brenda. Thank you so much for sharing. I love to see things like this and so seldom do. I appreciate your beautiful pictures.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

What a wonderful exhibition to learn about such a wonderful culture. Thank you for sharing such wonderful information and photos

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

So wonderful of you to share such great information and photos of this wonderful culture.
Just love it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful photos and a place i would love to visit. thanks for stopping by my blog today and for your sweet comment.


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