Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Ma's Apron

Ma's Apron

Ma Ledford always wore an apron.
She churned butter, gathered apples
and baked bread wearing

her white starched apron.
Ma hoed her garden
in her one-pieced apron

and used it as a basket
to carry okra, corn, and tomatoes
into the kitchen.

She built fires in the woodstove
smearing soot on the White Lily apron.
When Granddaddy Bob went to market,

she changed into a fresh
lye-washed apron.  She felt
undressed without it.

She used her apron as a fan
to chase flies away from
the dining room table.

I can still see Ma,
plain and practical
wearing her flour sack apron.

--Brenda Kay Ledford

This poem appeared in Farming Magazine, Winter 2015


Connie said...

Nicely written poem, Brenda! That apron had a thousand uses, didn't it. Sweet memories you have portrayed here. :-)

magnoliasntea said...

Wonderful poem, Brenda! I've seen a few ladies just like Ma. They were the salt of the earth.
Have a lovely week!

lil red hen said...

This is so special, Brenda! I love aprons, although I don't wear one. Aprons are the most favorite thing of mine to make, after piecing quilts. Thanks for stirring up memories and maybe I just might make another apron!

Susie Swanson said...

Love this one Brenda. Brings back fond memories of my Ma. She always wore her apron, never did see her much without one.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I like this so much, and I remember my mother and both grandmothers wearing their aprons each and every day. (Of course you know I like that pictures of the Featherweight sewing machine, too!

Donna Volkenannt said...

Very nice poem.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh boy, did you EVER paint a picture. Ma could've been my own mother!!!

Janet, said...

I love this Brenda. My grandmother always wore aprons. I hardly ever seen her without one on.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda, I love this poem and can picture days I spent with my grandmother wearing her well-loved apron. Blessings to you this Easter and I enjoyed your Spring poem and the lovely, colorful spring bloom photos you shared. I do not blog any longer due to mine and John's health, but feel free to email any time. God bless. xoxo

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