Saturday, January 30, 2016

Brenda Kay Ledford Published in Best Angel Stories 2016

Brenda Kay Ledford's story, "Angels Over Iraq," was published in The Best Angel Stories 2016 by Guideposts Organization. This hardcover book is available at

Brenda's story, "Angels Over Iraq," was first printed in Angels Magazine. Guideposts selected the best stories that appeared in this magazine and published a hardcover anthology.  Brenda's story was included in this book.

Her story is about her nephew who served two tours of duty in Iraq.  She had a dream that angels were protecting him and wrote a story about her vision.  It was included in both the magazine and anthology. 

The Lord did in fact protect John and he got home to America. He was called to preach and is now attending divinity school.

God does great things!

His grandfather was also a Southern Baptist minister for 40 years.  We are praying God will lead John in the field where it's His will to use him for God's glory.  We appreciate very much the prayers of our blogger friends that John will be used in a mighty way for the Kingdom of God.


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

How wonderful, Brenda! Congratulations to you. And I am in agreement that the Lord will guide John to the exact place He has for him to minister. (Our Ruthie had a story published in that same magazine. It was about her cat, Angel.)

magnoliasntea said...

Congratulations on the publication of your story. May the Lord bless your nephew with wisdom and revelation of the scriptures. And my he be faithful to the call. :)

lil red hen said...

Congratulations, Brenda!
I come from a Baptist family :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Congrats, Brenda, on the new book... I LOVE reading Guideposts. That article about your nephew is AWESOME. I'm sure he will be a fantastic minister/preacher....


Susie Swanson said...

Wow, that's so nice. Congrats Brenda, I know you're very proud of this.

Hootin Anni said...

What a wonderful accolade!!! You are so worthy to be a published writer. Congratulations.

NCmountainwoman said...

Congratulations! And kudos to your nephew for having the courage to follow his calling.

Connie said...

Congratulations, Brenda on having your story published in both the magazine and book by Guideposts! That's wonderful! You have much to be proud of in your nephew and in your writing success. :-)

janet smart said...

Congratulations, Brenda! What a wonderful post and I am so glad the angels protected your nephew.

Anonymous said...

My heartfelt appreciation to your nephew for his service and I am thankful the Lord protected him. Congrats to you, Brenda, for your story being published.

When my late dad was in WWII, an older lady from our church was awakened during the night and felt strongly led to kneel beside her bed and pray for him. She would find out later (in a letter from my dad) that his group was under fire that night and many of dad's friends were harmed. She wrote him back and said, "I am praying for you." We, too, are thankful for answered prayers. Daddy served our church (First Baptist of Alpharetta) as a Deacon for over 40 years and served in many capacities, including visitation and the bus ministry.

May the Lord bless and direct your nephew.

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