Thursday, March 17, 2016

Springtime Song

The robins twitter as they fly,
gems glitter on Hyatt-Mill Creek,
purple crocus pop up,
the year's at the spring.

Cotton clouds kiss azure skies,
mountains unfurl royal blue ribbons,
jonquils splash sunshine on banks,
the robins twitter as they fly.

Sound the flute!
The winter is past,
life bursts forth from earth's tomb,
gems glitter on Hyatt-Mill Creek.

The hillside's dew-pearled,
frogs croak on the pond,
there's joy in the mountains,
the year's at spring.
              --Brenda Kay Ledford

This poem was published in "Pancakes in Heaven," March, 2016 issue.


I wish my blogger friends a blessed Easter and a splendid spring!



Susie Swanson said...

Beautiful poem and pictures Brenda. Wishing you a Blessed Easter and Spring as well.

Glenda Beall said...

Beautiful post, Brenda. Your photos are very professional. I love all the colors. Clay County is so pretty this time of year and you capture it.

lil red hen said...

You've captured spring perfectly with your words. What lovely pictures! Are these from your yard? It's hard to believe Easter is almost here again!

Connie said...

Beautiful poem and gorgeous photos, Brenda! Congratulations on having your poem published. That's great! Wishing you a Happy Easter too.

lil red hen said...

Brenda, this is such a colorful poem, along with your beautiful photos. Are the pictures taken of your own flowers? Your part of the world must be a wonderful place.

magnoliasntea said...

Hi Brenda! I really love your Springtime Song, and isn't nature's springtime song completely glorious. Spring is busting out all over where I live in Tennessee.
Have a lovely weekend!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What a wonderful Springtime Song in words and pictures. You have painted a truly beautiful picture.

Hootin Anni said...

Truly awesome. In your prose...AND images. And it makes for a perfect Spring header for your blog. Love all the colors. As the cotton clouds kiss the azure sky. Perfect.

janet smart said...

Love your pictures and your poem! Wishing you a very happy Easter, too.

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