Wednesday, June 21, 2023



On the first day of summer,
the sun floated like a balloon
above the Bald Mountain
and ricocheted through the forest.

The Tiger lilies lifted cups
to drink the morning light,
a chorus of birds performed
outside my bedroom window.

Warmth wrapped my body
like a blanket as the raindrops
vanished with a wave
of the summer solstice.

The promise of long days
filled my heart with delight
as the sun nourished the crops
and night gave way to light.
                  --Brenda Kay Ledford

Happy Summer to all my blogger friends!


Hill Top Post said...

I love this poem. It is one my favorites.

Donna said...

Love the poem, Brenda!

BVLW said...

A very unique and original posting. Loved it!

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