Saturday, June 17, 2023

Father's Day

My brother, Harold Ledford, holding his baby granddaughter, Lucy Claire.  Harold was a wonderful father and loving grandfather.  He was softhearted as chocolate melting on a hot sidewalk toward children and animals.  Harold was a perfect example of fatherhood!

My father passed away on Thanksgiving Day in 1988.  My brother, Harold, also passed away two days before Thanksgiving two years ago.  Both of these men were wonderful fathers and loving grandfathers.  I'm so grateful that I had these two kind, gentlemen in my life.  

Fathers are very important.  President Barack Obama said, "Any man can father a child, but not all men are fathers."

The loving presence of fathers in the family is critical in the development of children.  Statistics state that many youth get into crime because they didn't have fathers as role models.  It's also important for little girls to have fathers who are kind to them.  It gives daughters confidence and to one day choose a husband who will love and be kind to the them.

As you can see in this photo, my brother, Harold, adored his little granddaughter, little Lucy Claire.  What a blessing to have such a warm, loving relationship.

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog. This will be the first Father's Day since my Dad died last December. It seems strange.:(

Donna said...

Just an FYI? That Rajani person above is a spammer! Leaves the same two comments...I'm constantly deleting them!
Glad you had a sweet Father's Day memory!

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