Friday, April 22, 2022

Mother's Day


Happy Mother's Day to all of my blogger friends.  I appreciate you very much!

This is a photo of my mother, Blanche, who passed away April 14, 2021.  I still miss her very much. We were very close, and I have posted a poem about my mother.  

Lend a Hand

My hands have served

me well as blood veins

crisscross like Blue Ridge Mountains

where I grew up.

I hoed the garden,

picked okra, corn, green beans,

squash and dug Irish potatoes.

I canned food, strung leather breeches.

Brother George and I hacked

firewood with a cross-cut saw

on Davy Mountain, carried water

from the spring for the family.

I scrubbed laundry on a rub board,

pressed clothes with a flat iron

heated in the fireplace.

I married Rondy and we had

four babies, held them closely

knowing life is short.

I made dresses from feed sacks,

pieced patchwork quilts.

            --Brenda Kay Ledford

 I wish all my blogger friends a very happy Mother's Day.  If your mom is still alive, I hope you will be able to visit with her and let her know how much you love her.  It's so sad that we will not always have our mothers with us.  

This is a photo of Mama when we attended the Georgia Mountain Fair in Hiawassee, GA.  She put out many a washing in her younger days in the old wash tub using the rub board.  Thank God for modern conveniences such as the washing machines.  

If you would like to read my book of poetry about Mama, it may be found on

The title of the book of poetry is:  Blanche, Poems of a Blue Ridge Woman.  The book was published last year by Redhawk Publications.











Thursday, April 21, 2022

National Brother's Day

The bond of a brother and sister says that they are there for each other no matter what!

 National Brother's Day is observed Tuesday, May 24th, 2022 in the USA.  This is a photo of my late brother, Harold who passed away in November, 2021 just before Thanksgiving.

The bond between Harold and me was strong.  Due to sharing almost anything from growing up together, playing games, competitiveness, and getting into fights from time to time, we always supported each other.

There are few people who understand you like a brother.  We were able to communicate without saying a word.  Just looking at each other we knew what each was thinking.  Harold always had my back and protected me.  

My story, "Harold, My Big Brother, A Tribute Story to Honor National Brother's Day," appears on the website:  "Daily Inspired Life" at:

If you have a brother, or a friend who feels like a brother, on this National Brother's Day, call this guy and tell him how much your love and appreciate him.  We never ever know when a loved one might pass away and it will be too late to tell them how much we love them.

Wishing all my blogger friends joy and peace on National Brother's Day!

Happy Poems

 HAPPY POEMS Sunshine breaks through the clouds, the robins relish this day, a cheerful greeting. Lesley was a Bliss, she sparkles with happ...