Saturday, May 15, 2021

Homecoming or Decoration Day

 Many Forks Baptist Church in the Gum Log section of Union County, Georgia traditionally held Homecoming or Decoration Day the fourth Sunday each year in May.  It wasn't held last year due to the Covid pandemic.  It's a long held mountain custom to decorate the graves of loved ones on Sunday morning, then preaching  in the country church.  After the worship service, they had dinner-on-the grounds.  In the olden days, loads of food were spread on picnic tables under the shade trees.  People ate, fellowshipped until that afternoon when a singing was held in the church.  It was a popular event decorating graves and seeing folks at homecoming you hadn't seen for maybe a year or longer.  Unfortunately many young people aren't interested in Homecoming and this mountain tradition is passing away.  I used  to attend each year Decoration Day with my family.  I enjoyed it very much, but like many aspects of our culture, Homecoming is fading away.

Here's a poem I wrote several years ago about the Homecoming or some folks called it, Decoration Day.

It's homecoming
at Many Forks Baptist Church.
Folks come from miles
to meet and to decorate

the graves of loved ones.
The sun ricochets through
pine trees, old-timers lift
hymns in the country church.

Kinfolks congregate
under the oaks, spread
Aunt Dot with her walnut cake,

Cousin Frances stirs potato salad,
the tables are loaded
with all kinds of food,
nephews break the wishbone.

Aunt Mary Lou cuts up
with the Henderson boys,
Uncle George Lee places flags
on the graves of soldiers.

It's a yearly get-together,
a time  to share memories
of laughter and  tears,
a family gathering at Gum Log.
                  --Brenda Kay Ledford
Reprinted from the poetry book,
Sacred Fire, 
by:  Brenda Kay Ledford

The mountain women outdid themselves cooking, baking, and loading the tables with scrumptious
food at the homecoming held at Gum Log each year.

Here's one of the groups that sang spirit-filled Gospel songs in the  Many Forks Baptist Church
after dinner-on-the-grounds.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Mother's Day

It's the first Mother's Day without my precious mama.  I never imagined the deep sorrow I'd experience when she passed away on April 14, 2021 at age 98.

You can't erase 69 years we had together.  We were tight.  Went everywhere together, did everything together.  Church.  Events on the town square.  Dinners.  Trips.  Weddings. Funerals. Visiting folks.

What a loss!

When I think I've gotten over grief, raw emotions spill over like an avalanche.

Mama was always there for me loving and  protecting me.  I cared for her 2 1/2 years bedridden.  Did everything for her.  I would still be caring for her if only...

So what was the purpose of so much pain and suffering?  

Rev. Joel Osteen says, "You have come from being a patient to a physician."

He says when you suffer so much, you move from needing comfort; a patient, to being a physician and giving comfort to others who are going through the trials you endured.

This thing called death is a hard, sorrowful journey.  But I believe through  the eyes of faith, I'm not alone.

I believe Mama is in heaven.  She's happy, set free from pain and suffering, and rejoicing with loved ones who have  gone before.  Best of all, she's with Jesus!

Never take your mother for granted.  If she's still alive, hug, kiss, and love her.  She may not be here next year on Mother's Day.

I wish all my blogger friends a very happy and blessed Mother's Day.  Mothers are special and you are loved.



Saturday, May 1, 2021

White-Tailed Deer

The horizon burns
like wildfire above
the Shewbird Mountain.

They appear as ghosts
in the Matheson Cove,
nibble tender green leaves

beside the Hyatt-Mill Creek.
They rip blossoms
from the mountain laurel,

purple flowers dangle
from their mouths
and dot the woodland trail.

They startle and bound
into the last ray of light
ricocheting through the pines.
            --Brenda Kay Ledford

Mother's Day will come this month.  I'm wishing all my blogger friends a very happy, and blessed Mother's Day!


Needless to say, I love to watch the deer appear in the evening just as the sun goes down.  I love the fawns with dots on their coats.  They enjoy nibbling the tender green leaves and unfortunately, they enjoy feasting on plants just popping out of the gardens.  Deer are really cute, but can be the gardener's nightmare.

Happy Poems

 HAPPY POEMS Sunshine breaks through the clouds, the robins relish this day, a cheerful greeting. Lesley was a Bliss, she sparkles with happ...