Many Forks Baptist Church in the Gum Log section of Union County, Georgia traditionally held Homecoming or Decoration Day the fourth Sunday each year in May. It wasn't held last year due to the Covid pandemic. It's a long held mountain custom to decorate the graves of loved ones on Sunday morning, then preaching in the country church. After the worship service, they had dinner-on-the grounds. In the olden days, loads of food were spread on picnic tables under the shade trees. People ate, fellowshipped until that afternoon when a singing was held in the church. It was a popular event decorating graves and seeing folks at homecoming you hadn't seen for maybe a year or longer. Unfortunately many young people aren't interested in Homecoming and this mountain tradition is passing away. I used to attend each year Decoration Day with my family. I enjoyed it very much, but like many aspects of our culture, Homecoming is fading away.
Here's a poem I wrote several years ago about the Homecoming or some folks called it, Decoration Day.