Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Orange Lady

Oh, October!
You put on a show
dancing over the mountaintops
dressed in bright garments
of orange, lemon, and cranberry grape.

Oh, October!
You are a sassy month,
stopping carloads of folks
flocking to view the fall foliage;
you twist, turn, and somersault
with rain showers of leaves.

Oh, October!
You are a naughty child!
On Halloween you deck
out in spooky costumes,
and trick-or-treat
throughout the eerie night;
the barn owl resounding,
Hoot!  Hoot!  Hoot!
             --Brenda Kay Ledford

Some call it autumn, others call it God!
                              --author unknown

Wishing my blogger friends a very happy and beautiful fall.


magnoliasntea said...

She does put on a show! Your poems are lovely and aptly descriptive.
Have a wonderful week!

Connie said...

Happy fall, Brenda! Beautiful poem and photo.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Looks like you are seeing some lovely, colourful sights.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I love this poem, Brenda, and your fall looks gorgeous!

BVLW said...

Brenda Kay, you delight me with words that only you can make possible. I see it for the first time as you've described the picture in "The Orange Lady". I feel as if my eyes have been opened!

lil red hen said...

I really like your descriptive poetry! There isn't a lot of fall color here yet. Maybe it will come after the cooler weather predicted for this week.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Lovely words and such a lovely view! Wishing you the best of lovely Autumn!

Paula said...

Beautiful poem, Brenda Kay!! Looks like fall might really be on its way! (Finally!)

Glenda Beall said...

Beautiful colors, Brenda. Lovely poem. I love October and I love Autumn. So glad we finally have some cool weather.

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