Saturday, October 19, 2019

Punkin Chunkin

Thousands of people trek to the annual Punkin Chunkin held October 19-20, 2019 off Settawig Road in Brasstown, North Carolina.  Clay County Chamber of Commerce sponsors this event.

Pumpkins whiz thousands of feet through the air from catapults, air cannons, trebuchets, and other mighty machines.  Teams even from Michigan traipse to the Blue Ridge Mountains to compete with world champion chunkers.  It's a big deal if you've never seen flying, flipping, exploding pumpkins.  What a way to haunt in Halloween!

Besides the Punkin  Chunkin, other activities are held during this shindig.  There's a pumpkin pie eating contest with whipped cream smearing the chins and nostrils of competitors.

Additionally, there's a zipline, airplane rides, live entertainment, a climbing wall, carnival rides, a kidzone with fun games, lots of food, arts and crafts.

Everyone young or old, will find plenty to stimulate the senses at this sensational Punkin Chunkin.

For information: or call:  828-389-3704

by:  Brenda Kay Ledford


lil red hen said...

Wow! Just look at all those pumpkins! Lots of kiddos will have a blast taking part in these games.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is a unique festival. Sounds like fun.

Karen said...

Sounds like fun!

BVLW said...

Pumpkins are so beautiful and colorful that I am not happy that they are smashed in mid air for the sport of it.

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