Saturday, June 8, 2019


The morning light ricochets
through the poplars
echoing with birdsong.

Native orchids peek
through the pine needles
on the woodland trail

and huddle in the hollows
of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
They lift their cups

to toast a new day,
dozens of Lady-slippers
dance on a breeze.
                 --Brenda Kay Ledford

I attended a program on Orchids at Moss Memorial Library.  There are over 20,000 different orchids around the world.  Here in Southern Appalachia, you'll find these beautiful wildflowers in the forests, on roadsides, and even growing wild in yards.  This reminds me that God is indeed a master artist who loves beauty.


Connie said...

Beautiful poem and photos of the orchids, Brenda. I wasn't aware that there were so many varieties of orchids. They are such gorgeous flowers.

Karen said...

I am constantly amazed at the details in every leaf and flower. Your photos are stunning. Beautiful poem. I love the mountains.

magnoliasntea said...

Beautiful poem, Brenda. I had no idea that there were wild orchids in the forest.
Have a great weekend!

lil red hen said...

You mean this beautiful flower grows wild?? It's gorgeous!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh the beauty of these flowers! To me they are exotic ,as they sure don't grow in the wild here.

Susie Swanson said...

Beautiful Brenda. I love orchids and so happy we have so many different wild ones as well here in our little corner of the world.

Joan Ellen Gage Admin said...

Lovely poem and beautiful images, Brenda! Have a blessed day!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Yes He is! Love your poem and the orchids.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

How true that God is indeed a master artist who loves beauty! I think the same when I see the intricate design on insects......and of course the flowers. I did not know that orchids grow in the wild! I just thought they were always grown in a greenhouse. They are truly a lovely flower! Love your are always so talented!

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