Monday, July 6, 2015


After days of rain in the Blue Ridge Mountains, I wondered if the sun would ever shine again.  Everyone I met complained about the rain.  They complained because the fireworks were cancelled at many places during the Fourth of July.  They complained because they had to stay inside, couldn't enjoy picnics or a parade.  How God puts up with us humans complaining, I'll never know.  I even added some complaints myself into the mix.

God is faithful.  The sun peeked through the clouds, blue skies spread a tent above the earth, and I was amazed.  The sunflowers lifted their faces to the heavens and drank cups filled with sunshine. I ran outside and got a good dose of vitamin D.  What a blessing to see the sun again. 

Darkness just has to flee in the presence of light.


magnoliasntea said...

I agree Brenda, I don't know why the Lord puts us with us when we complain. We've had a lot of rain, too, but I have to say I was glad to see it. I usually complain about other things. ;)
Hope you have sunny skies for a good while.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Yes, it does have to flee! We tend to forget that in dark days, but it is still true.

We got good and tired of rain here, too, but it dries out again really quickly, and soon we're glad to see it again.

Susie Swanson said...

So true. It's a good thing we're not in charge of the weather. Take care.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing quite as cheerful as sunflowers!
We've had a lot of rain, too. It has been nice not to have to water the lawn, though.
We had a quiet 4th at home. Funny, I bought an apple pie from the bakery for the holiday. When I cut into it, it was peach!!!

Anni said...


Eggs In My Pocket said...

I love this post! Just north of us are two big fields full of sunflowers that the farmers planted. They are so vibrant and beautiful to see while driving that way!

Janet, said...

The sunflowers are beautiful! I have a few planted and hope to see their sunny faces soon. We, too, have had more than our share of dreary rainy weather. I'm looking forward to seeing Mr. Sun.

Dorothy said...

Beautiful pictures of your sunflowers! We have been enjoying some that came up volunteer under the bird feeder.

Connie said...

Beautiful post, Brenda. The sunflowers are gorgeous! Love that cheerful, sunny color. We humans do find a lot to complain about, don't we? I'm as guilty of it as everyone else, but we forget how grateful we ought to be instead.

lil red hen said...

I love the sunflowers, Brenda! My daughter planted some for the Farmers Market and they were best sellers. They were the smaller size.

My Country Kitchen said...

Such a wonderful poem. I love sun flowers. At first we were getting too much rain, but now it is getting hot and dry and rain would be welcomed!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Sunflowers are such a cheery flower. I love your post! Guess we all have weather that does not always agree with us. Hope this finds you are having pleasant weather now!

David C Brown said...

"This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it" is a good quote, whatever the weather.

Glenda Beall said...

I love sunflowers and this year I have some growing in my container garden on my deck. If I had land, I'd plant a field of sunflowers.

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