Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Echoes of Fall

As I wash the breakfast dishes, I glance out the window.  A cornfield rolls like waves on the ocean, fog lifts from the misty mountains.  Wild turkeys feast on the grain and clouds float as sailboats through azure skies.

Katydids scrape their fiddles and a scarlet leaf flutters on the dogwood tree.  McIntosh apples plop to the ground.  Honeysuckle perfumes a breeze.

I gasp.  Fall's coming and I can't hold it back.  Summer has been too hot, humid, and short.  It seems as through school just closed, and school buses will roar again.  Time marches like a band.

The drumbeat of this season!  Bee keepers harvest their honey.  The shelves of roadside markets glow with golden Mason jars.

Yesterday I stopped at the Misty Mountain Roadside Market.  Queen Ann's lace spun doilies beside the market.

A man greeted me.  "Sample this spoonful of honey," he said.  "This wildflower honey is better for allergies than sourwood honey."

I savored the sweet offering and purchased a quart.  I baked biscuits this morning and smothered them with butter and honey.

Besides honey, fall brings cooler weather.  What a relief from the heat.  I won't grieve the passing of summer.  Soon it will be only a page of history.

The echoes of fall! 

"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it," (Psalm 118:24).

Summer, fall, winter, or spring; each season has its beauty!


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Brenda, your words spin a tale of their own, even apart from the march of time. I always enjoy seeing how you craft those words. And I shan't miss Summer either. If it ever leaves!

lil red hen said...

Yes, each has its own beauty. I think, toward the end of each season, we begin to look forward to the next one. I always dread hot weather and cold weather, but they each have a place in our lives.

magnoliasntea said...

Hi Brenda! What a lovely description of fall. I'm thinking about biscuits and honey, now! I enjoyed this post immensely and can't wait for fall.
Have a great week!

Susie Swanson said...

I really Love this Brenda and I'm ready for Fall as well. It's my favorite one of all and I love the clear, blue skies and crisp, cool nights.. Hope you have a nice week.

Connie said...

Beautiful words and photos, Brenda. You really captured the images of the approaching autumn.

janet smart said...

Lovely post, Brenda. this has been an interesting summer thus far and fall is just around the corner. I'm looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

Hi, You have captured many of my favorite things about Autumn in this poem. Wishing you a blessed week.

NCmountainwoman said...

Beautiful post. Yes, no doubt the local wildflower honey is best for reducing allergies. But the Sourwood is so tasty I choose it every time I can.

Hootin Anni said...

I'm having a devil of a time this summer in the heat....dunno why, it's the same year after year. But, I know I will relish the cooler temps of Fall. And rejoice.

Loved your narration today.

Glenda Beall said...

Yes, I can't wait for fall this year. The hot summer has not been to my liking. Love your photos and your words, Brenda. You have a wonderful blog.

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