Saturday, June 13, 2015

Tiger Lilies

After a storm,
the earth bathed in light,
clouds float in bright skies;
tiger lilies pulse on a breeze.

Lawns humming with mowers,
mountains unfurl royal ribbons,
poplars catch sunrays'
after the storm.

Plants popping up in gardens,
raindrops glitter on grass,
Hyatt-Mill Creek murmurs;
the earth bathed in light.

A time to rejoice,
fog lifts from Brasstown Valley,
the windchimes ringing;
clouds float in bright skies.

By the little river,
a Monarch butterfly
dips down and touches
tiger lilies pulsing on a breeze.
         --Brenda Kay Ledford


Anonymous said...

So very beautiful. I enjoy listening to our wind chimes when I am out walking among our flowers. God bless you and your Mom this weekend.

Connie said...

Beautiful flowers and a lovely poem, Brenda! I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

magnoliasntea said...

Hi Brenda!
Love the new header and the poem. I loved the entire poem, but, "tiger lilies pulsing on a breeze." caught my ear as it's a very well-turned phrase. Enjoyed the poem.
Have a great Lord's Day!

Susie Swanson said...

Beautiful poem Brenda. The Tiger Lilies are so beautiful this year.You did a great job with this one.

Glenda Beall said...

Love the poem and love the pictures, Brenda Kay. Your blog is so beautiful. I look forward to your reading at the Folk School this month.

Cranberry Morning said...

Lovely poem, Brenda. I could definitely envision it! Thanks for stopping in at CranberryMorning today. I don't have your email address and you appear as a 'no-reply blogger,' so I'm sorry this is the only way I can thank you for stopping in and commenting. - Judy

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Beautiful poem and pictures, Brenda! They are like sunshine, aren't they. I just wish they lasted longer.

TexWisGirl said...

just beautiful. :)

Anni said...

Fabulous poetry...gorgeous blossom

janet smart said...

Beautiful, Brenda. Our Tiger Lilies are in bloom, I love them.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

These are such a pretty vibrant color! Love your pretty poem as well!

Paula said...

So beautiful, Brenda!!!

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