Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Evening of the Rain Crow

I heard the rain crow cooing
in the distance this evening,
as the sun sank crimson

and honking geese formed a wedge
behind the Shewbird Mountain.

He perches in barren oak
whose crisp leaves rustle golden
and brown to the frozen ground below.

I hear his shrill caw
resounding still through
chilled October quiet,

and know that by night
silver droplets will begin.
             --Brenda Kay Ledford

This poem first appeared in Appalachian Heritage Magazine.

During the early 1900's, farmers in the Blue Ridge Mountains had no radios, televisions, iPhones, computers, no modern technology, to listen to the weather forecast.  They depended upon the signs of nature including the rain crow or mourning dove cooing to predict rain. 


Connie said...

Lovely poem, Brenda. I've never heard the mourning dove called a rain crow before. That's new to me. Beautiful colors in that fall tree photo too!

magnoliasntea said...

How interesting! I love the poem. I didn't know farmers used to listen to the call of the mourning dove in expectation of rain. We have a rich history in the Appalachians. Have a great week!

lil red hen said...

I think, here in the Ozark foothills, we still take note of the tree frog's songs, sun dogs, and the rain crow. I don't have, or use, a cell phone.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Beautiful poem, Brenda. I had no idea the mourning doves coos predicted rain!

Cranberry Morning said...

Even my grandfather planted his garden according to the signs of nature. Brenda, that is a beautiful poem!

Cranberry Morning said...

Even my grandfather planted his garden according to the signs of nature. Brenda, that is a beautiful poem!

janet smart said...

Oh, I love your poem,Brenda. I learned something new today.

Anonymous said...

Lovely poem. Don't you love Autumn?

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful dove...
And your poetry...super!!!

Susie Swanson said...

Oh I love this one so much. Yes, we've always called them the Rain Crow. Old timers always said it's gonna rain when they heard it.

Thank you so much for the beautiful card and tell your mother thanks for me. It was so nice of you and means alot.

TexWisGirl said...

i think we've lost a lot of nature's cues generation to generation. rather sad.

NCmountainwoman said...

Lovely poem. Guess it's regional, but in the mountains here the cuckoo rather than the mourning dove is the rain crow. I've heard them in our woods but never seen one.

Joy Junktion said...

Brenda, It's nice to meet you here in blog land. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I appreciate your kind and encouraging words! Lovely poetry~ Blessings, Cindy

Connie Arnold said...

Thank you for sharing the lovely and interesting poem!


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