Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Healing Gardens

"Nature is but another name for health," said Thoreau.

Studies show that gardens can reduce stress and pain in less than three to five minutes!

This mural was painted by Hayesville High School art students at the Master Gardener's project in Hayesville, NC.  This little garden is located beside the "Clay County Progress," and may be missed by folks unless you "slow down and smell the roses," to enjoy this lovely garden.

This lovely fountain is located at the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church in Hayesville, NC.  Elizabeth Rybecci and Father John Rice created the healing gardens at this sanctuary. 

This is a view of the entrance to the Good Shepherd Church.

One characteristic of a healing garden is a place to sit, relax, and pray.

Master Gardeners included birdhouses in their healing garden in Hayesville.

You'll also find a birdbath with birdhouses in this healing garden.

You may sit on a bench and savor the peace here.

Color and beauty are major characteristics of a healing garden.

The pathway at a healing garden needs to be accessible and somewhat meandering.

The kiss of the sun for pardon,
the song of the birds for mirth,
one is nearer to God's heart in a garden
than anywhere else on earth.
From "Garden Thoughts" by Dorothy Gurney

This is the steeple at Good Shepherd Church.

This little girl is located in the healing garden at Good Shepherd Church.

There's a garden glowing
with the light
of the Good Shepherd,
"tis the beautiful
Garden of Prayer.

Hardscapes such as statues fit with a healing garden.  This angel graces the garden at Good Shepherd Church in Hayesville, NC.

Healing Gardens blend soil and the soul.
Studies find that patients recover faster if they have a window view of nature.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Brenda, What a great group of photos... I love gardens and they DO heal... I can walk out in my yard and look at my roses and it will heal anything that is bothering me for sure....

Feeding and watching my little birds also give one a 'healing' feeling...


lil red hen said...

Lovely pictures. I'd like to sit on a bench and relax in such beautiful surroundings.

magnoliasntea said...

Wonderful photographs, Brenda! I really enjoyed seeing them. I love my little garden and go out to it every morning as soon as the breakfast dishes are done. I wouldn't want to be without it, either. I think a love of the garden has been in our roots since the Lord placed our famous ancestors in His own garden. :) Have a wonderful evening!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What a lovely post! Gardens are healing, that I know. Working in my own cottage gardens since losing my dear husband in Dec. 2012, has been healing for me.

Thank you for visiting my 'creations' blog and your kind comments about my work.

When we get cooler weather here in s.e. FL, I look forward to going to the local botanical garden again. It is very soothing with water features, and lovely plants.


Cranberry Morning said...

That is what I love about places like that. Being outdoors among nature and reminding ourselves of the Creator's many blessings (and awesome creation) are good for everyone. Love that rudbeckia header!

TexWisGirl said...

gosh, these are wonderful photos! each one is beautiful.

Connie said...

Brenda, these pictures are so lovely, and I really like the quotes you posted too. I love the idea of healing gardens. They can be so comforting.

Anonymous said...

My late mom and I would walk thru our gardens every morning. Those memories are so very special to me now. Thanks for sharing the beauty there where you live. God bless your weekend.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Oh, Brenda, what wonderful gardens! They are just beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. And you are absolutely right - there is healing in gardens, especially if you can get your fingers in the dirt!

Hootin Anni said...

I love this...and even tho not there in person, the vision through your photos shares will calm the soul.

Loved this post Brenda.

Janet, said...

Beautiful pictures. Plants are healing in other ways, too. Many have true medicinal value.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

How lovely is this post and so true! Gardening is such a healing and helpful factor for our lives. Beautiful photos!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Beautiful photos and a joy stopping your lovely blog! Looking forward to visiting again! :)

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