Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Memorial Day


Knockout Roses

On Memorial Day,
dozens of Knockout Roses
explode beside the Burger King.

Customers race past
the fabulous flowers,
too busy to notice

this magnificent garden show.
Roses glow like rubies
in the morning light.

What a sight
for those who will savor
the table that nature spreads.
             --Brenda Kay Ledford

Thank a veteran for his or her service for our country on Memorial Day!


Donna said...

I've planted Knock Out roses by my patio...I love them.
Love your poem too!

Hill Top Post said...

There is nothing so beautiful as a lovely red rose. "too busy to notice." That's the way of the world these days. I love the poem.

BVLW said...

Do you remember how schoolgirls would write in their autograph book? " Roses are red, violets are blue Sugar is sweet, and so are you?" Seems like a long time ago. Do you also remember that on Mother's Day Sunday the ladies would wear a red rose on their dress if their mother was still living. If their mother was dead then a white rose was worn on the shoulder. Customs are quickly fading away.

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