Tuesday, December 28, 2021

New Beginnings

I wish my blogger friends
peace, joy, and strength,
as the midnight hour chimes.

Brush away times of sorrow,
the hardships of last year,
the loss of dear loved ones.

May every day bring
health and happiness,
renewed hope and light

with family wrapped in love,
and blessings descending
as a dove this New Year!
               --Brenda Kay Ledford

Friday, December 17, 2021

Christmas Kindness


I was rushing through the crowded isles at the Dollar General Store trying to dodge people, products, and find presents.  It was difficult maneuvering the shopping cart around boxes blocking the path.  I was looking at the shelves for a gift and bam!  Bang!  Crash!

I hit a box with my shopping cart and dozens of  Hershey candy bars flew all over the floor.  I was so embarrassed.  I wanted to hide.  I looked around to see if anyone saw me make the blunder, then started to pick up bar after bar of candy scattered like an avalanche in the store.

A real sweet lady walked up and gave me a sympathetic look.  She had three children with her and it was obvious she had her hands full with childcare.  The young lady didn't miss a beat, bent down and started helping me to pick up candy bars.  "I won't stack them as nicely as they did," she said.

"Oh, thank you.  Thank you!" I  exclaimed.  "You are so  kind  to help me."

She smiled and wished me a Merry Christmas as she and her children walked joyfully to check out.

I was so blessed by her random act of kindness and  thought, "Now, this is the true spirit of Christmas.  We could use a lot more kind  people like this lady who will take time from their busy lives to help other people."

This is what Christmas is all about.  As my pastor says, "Love was born  at Christmas."

I wish all  my blogger friends a very happy,  healthy, and blessed Christmas.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

A Blue Ridge Mountain Christmas

Snowflakes silently falling
on the evergreen trees.
Sleigh bells ringing,
the faithful coming
to the little country church
in the Hawkins Cove.
A simple Christmas play,
children dressed in bathrobes
like shepherds tending
their flocks by night,
feathers flutter on angel wings.
Gathering around the manger,
singing "Joy to the World,"
the beautiful star of Bethlehem
fills the mountain church
with peace and love.
    --Brenda Kay Ledford
Reprinted from "Blanche, Poems of 
                          a Blue Ridge Woman,"
Published by:  Redhawk Publishing

I wish my blogger friends a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Happy Poems

 HAPPY POEMS Sunshine breaks through the clouds, the robins relish this day, a cheerful greeting. Lesley was a Bliss, she sparkles with happ...