Monday, August 24, 2020

Barn Quilt


One autumn night

a Full Harvest Moon glows

over the Red Plank House.

The Bear Paw barn quilt

hangs on the old home.

Mama pieced the Lone Star

from the scrap box:

dresses, shirts, aprons, worn out.

Adventure in the mountains:

wildlife rangers chased

a black bear through

our front yard, across the porch.

Twin cubs climbed an oak,

Spot barked up the tree.

Bears wandered the woods

searching for berries and walnuts.

      --Brenda Kay Ledford


Beside a babbling brook... said...

I'd be a little afraid.....


lil red hen said...

Spectacular! Both picture and poem.
Thanks for your continued comments on my blog!

Susie Swanson said...

So Awesome Brenda. Hope you all are doing good. Susie

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

That bear is certainly something I NEVER want to see in our yard! It did make a good poem though in your expert hands.

Hill Top Post said...

Your words always paint the best pictures!

Glenda Beall said...

So glad you are back to your blog, Brenda. Great poem and photos.

Janet, said...

Really enjoyed your poem, Brenda. I'm gonna try and put a few things on the back burner and do a little quilting this fall and winter.

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