Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Pink is playful,
blowing bubble gum,
licking cotton candy.

Pink is a peony
perfuming the crisp air,
a rain shower of petals.

Pink is calming
like a mountain stream
making sweet music.

Pink is creative,
playing notes
inspiring the artist.

Pink is pretty,
soft as a bed
of feathers.

Pink is love,
a dozen roses
on Valentine's Day.
            --Brenda Kay Ledford

This poem appeared in "West End Poets Newsletter,"
                                       December/January/February 2020

Happy Valentine's Day to my blogger friends!



Ruth Hiebert said...

Pink also happens to be a favourite of mine.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What a happy poem! Thank you for sharing, and I love those Valentines!

Hootin Anni said...

What a wonderful work! Your words paint a beautiful, comforting picture.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

I agree with every word you wrote about the color pink! I have always loved this color! Love your poem!

magnoliasntea said...

Hi Brenda!
Love your poem, it's perfect for Valentine's Day. And I love the color pink.
Have a great week!

Connie said...

Such a lovely poem and photos too, Brenda. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

lil red hen said...

Very, very pretty! I hope you're having a pleasant winter.

Karen said...

I love PINK! Pale pink or hot pink! Your poem brought a smile this morning!! I love those fancy Valentine Candy Heart boxes too. Have a wonderful day and thanks for sharing this.

BVLW said...

The Valentine's remind me of when I was in elementary school. Our class would have a huge box decorated with red and pink hearts, and we would put our classmates valentines in it. On the day of the party we would eat cookies and drink chocolate milk. Assigned students would pass out the valentines from the big box. But other teachers had another method and let us decorate folders, and tape it to our desk. We put our individual valentines here.

Hill Top Post said...

I love your happy poem! It makes me smile! Happy Valentine's Day!

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