Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A Wildlife Sanctuary

A wild turkey
high steps through the rain,
his head bob, bob, bobs.

A funny creature,
he circles my backyard
past two brown bunnies

jumping over each other.
A groundhog wobbles
by the knockout roses,

two babies trailing her.
Five deer appear like ghosts
and nibble verdant grass.

Fog lifts from the mountains,
fireflies flicker high in poplar trees
and put on a night show.
       --Brenda Kay Ledford


Karen said...

I love your poem and your photos are amazing!

lil red hen said...

Sometimes I have four squirrels in my yard eating maple seeds. Now and then a bunny might nibble on plants. Wildlife is so interesting to watch isn't it.

Susie Swanson said...

Beautiful poem Brenda and captures so much enjoyment and beauty that surrounds us. I enjoy them so much.

Connie said...

Lovely poem, Brenda! It's so peaceful to be able to watch so many animals nearby.

Henny Penny said...

Oh Brenda, this is beautiful...your words and the pictures. I love all the animals in the woods.

BVLW said...

How blessed you are to sit back in your recliner with a hot cup of tea, and see this parade of wildlife march past your window.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Such wonderful photos of wildlife. I just love those playful rabbits!
Always love your words!

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Such pretty words to go with wonderful photos. I love those rabbits!

Glenda Beall said...

Lovely. Photos are great.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Very evocative words of beautiful sights you are privileged to see!

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