Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Singing Christmas Tree

Snow usually spread a blanket across the Blue Ridge Mountains in December, but that Christmas in 2,000, seemed like spring.  We wore light-weight clothing and flipped on the air-conditioner.  The forsythias glowed like pots of gold and robins chirped.  Cherry trees bloomed on the streets of Hayesville, North Carolina.

I was in no mood for Christmas, but a friend asked me to join the " Singing Christmas Tree" at Truett Memorial Baptist Church.  We practiced a lot for the program.  Our director wanted us to get the music just right.

Some members quit attending the practice sessions.  I was exhausted after teaching feisty fourth graders, and almost pulled out, too.  I stuck with the program, and finally the music came together.  The director praised us for working hard and predicted it would be a great "Singing Christmas Tree."

We members relaxed and actually began to enjoy the practice sessions.  One person kept us in stitches with his pranks and jokes.  Garland was a born comedian.  One evening he marched into the church wearing a big, shaggy white wig and beard down to his waist.  Everyone including our director had a good, long belly laugh at Garland's "Santa Claus" personification. 

It was just like a miracle when our "Singing Christmas Tree" program came together.  The attendance grew each evening until the fire marshal had to limit the number of people jamming into the church.  Our program was filled with energy and the spirit of Christmas touched me until I was filled with the joy of Christmas.  I'm glad I was part of the program that I'll never forget.

by:  Brenda Kay Ledford

This story appeared in "Tis' the Season,"
                                       Old Mountain Press, 2018

                   I wish all my blogger friends a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.  I really enjoy blogging with my friends and visiting your beautiful blogs.



lil red hen said...

Brenda, this is such a sweet story! It brought back memories of the Christmas programs in our church when I was a kid: the big, big cedar tree trimmed with tinsel, the plastic bags filled with sticky hard candies, and the plays put on by the teens. There hasn't been a Christmas like those in my whole adult life.

Thank you so much for commenting on my "resting" blog and checking on me. I'll probably be back before too much longer. May you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!

Susie Swanson said...

Wonderful story and beautiful memories. Merry Christmas to you also Brenda.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

What a great story!!!!!! Was it really that warm in 2000????? All I can think about tonight is how doggone COLD it is here now.... Mercy Me.....Our low tonight is supposed to be 15 degrees.... We have snow on the ground from yesterday morning....

Have an awesome Christmas, and Blessings for a fabulous 2019.


Ruth Hiebert said...

I enjoyed reading about your Living Christmas tree escapades. It's alway s great when we can have fun and laugh with those around us. Merry Christmas to you.

Hill Top Post said...

Oh, the singing tree did its job... "the spirit of Christmas touched me until I was filled with the joy of Christmas." I know a thing or two about those feisty fourth graders, too, for I am a retired school teacher, having taught fourth and fifth grades all those long wonderful years.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

That sounds like so much fun! Belhaven College in Jackson, Mississippi used to have one every year. No idea if they still do. I love the Christmas season.

Connie said...

What a lovely story about some sweet memories, Brenda. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

What a beautiful memory! The spirit of Christmas does come through in the beautiful performances! When we used to live in town, the church down the street had a "Living Christmas Tree" performance each year. We always went and how much I do miss that during this time of year.

Glenda Beall said...

I used to enjoy hearing the Singing Christmas Tree programs, but haven't been out to such a gathering in a good many years. I can imagine how pretty that was. You are a very community minded person, Brenda Kay.

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