Tuesday, February 20, 2018


Dozens of robins spread
an orange blanket
on the verdant grass.

Daffodils poke through
the bony fingers of winter,
the first bluebird flits

like a kite through azure skies.
A breeze whispers in the woods,
hundreds of birds flock

to the tops of trees,
the syncopation of songsters:
a prelude to spring!
                  --Brenda Kay Ledford

I hope my blogger friends are well and that the weather is warmer.  After the cold snap, I was so happy to see the daffodils blooming.  Although we will probably get more cold weather, I'm reminded when the daffodils bloom, that spring is coming again!


Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh! Such a pretty sight!

Susie Swanson said...

Beautiful poem Brenda. I always look forward to the daffodils but I fear this warm spell is going to cause everything to put out and get frozen later on. I sure hope I'm wrong.

lil red hen said...

Brenda, I love your spring poem! And the beautiful flowers do tell us spring will come. I've seen one buttercup in my yard.

janet smart said...

Hi Brenda. I'm so looking forward to the first daffodils of spring. We've had many robins show up already, but it will be a while before the flowers shoot up and bloom.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Love the pretty poem and how lovely the daffodils look!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I miss the daffodils. We had them all over the yard when I was growing up, but they just done live here. It's too hot, I guess.

Connie said...

Lovely daffodils and such a nice poem! Daffodils bring the bright yellow of spring.

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