Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Veteran's Day

It was one of those days.  My list of chores included shopping for groceries.  Most times I don't dread this task, but I was running out of time and needed to hurry, hurry, hurry.
I pulled into the parking lot at Ingles and rushed to get my groceries.  A soldier sauntered across the lot wearing his uniform.  He walked straight as a stick with his head held high.  I wanted to shout and thank him for his service, but he was gone before I had a chance to show my appreciation.
My mind raced with thoughts of our military.  Despite what some folks might think, our country is in war overseas.  Soldiers are giving their lives for our freedom.  How often do we think of our soldiers?  How often do we remember to pray for their safety? 
Many men in my family served in the military.  Uncles fought in World War I and World War II.  My brother served with the US Army in Vietnam.  My nephew completed two tours of duty in Iraq and was wounded in the line of duty.
Other families have suffered great loss.  Their loved ones did not come home from war.
As we observe Veteran's Day, I think we should lift special prayers for the safety of our men and women serving in the military. If we see soldiers at church or at a patriotic  service, thank them for their service.  Also, in my latest edition of "Guidepost Magazine," we can subscribe for members of the military.  What an encouragement to young men or women to read this wonderful magazine while serving overseas, or recovering from injuries in a Veteran's Hospital.
There are many ways we can show thanks for our military.  We can  attend a patriotic service, write letters to the soldiers, send CARE packages, or just sing, "God Bless America." 
I want to thank all of my blogger friends who have served in the military.  It is because of your sacrifice we enjoy the freedom we have in America.


This World War II veteran proudly holds the USA flag.  He served his country with honor and duty.

This is a photo of my Uncle George Lee.  He served in the US Army during World War II and was wounded.  He received a purple heart for fighting for his country.  He was very active in the local VFW organization.  The local veterans named the George Lee American Legion after him because he helped so many people in the community of Clay County, NC.




magnoliasntea said...

Hi Brenda! This is a beautiful tribute to the many soldiers that have bravely served our country over the years. From the beginning to now they have sacrificed in ways that most of us never consider. Love the photos! Thank you for sharing.
Have a great rest-of-the-week!

Susie Swanson said...

What a very nice post Brenda and I agree, we should thank every Veteran we come across for sacrificing so much for our country. They deserve as much recognition as they can get. And like you I have several in my family and my husband's family that served as well. I thank everyone of your family that served this great country and all of them. Happy Veteran's Day to you.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I agree Brenda. Our veterans deserve thanks and appreciation from every one of us. Truly each one is them is a hero!

Glenda Beall said...

I like this post, Brenda Kay. the photos are good and the sentiment is excellent.

Connie said...

Our veterans are so often ignored or forgotten. It is important to remember them and thank them for their service. Good post, Brenda.

TexWisGirl said...

yes, ma'am. a very good reminder of all the sacrifices still going on...

Janet, said...

This was a good post, Brenda. Thank you for sharing. Men and women have sacrificed a lot down through the years for our country.

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