Tuesday, March 17, 2015



Early spring morning,
raindrops glitter on the poplars,
lupines sprinkle hillsides.

Wearing orange-striped vests,
cups open to drink sunshine,
a rainbow of tulips.

Snow twirls on breeze,
hundreds of apple blossoms
tossing petals to the earth.

Easter cantata,
robins perform in the hills,
daffodils dancing.
                  --Brenda Kay Ledford

Welcome Spring!

I hope all my blogger friends will have a beautiful and splendid spring.  I'm so glad to see spring again.  It gives me hope that "all things work together for the good to those who love God and called to Him."  We indeed serve a living Lord!  Amen!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Brenda, Don't think I've ever been as happy to see spring. We went through a horrible Ice Storm with tons of damage on the Cumberland Plateau in February. We were lucky not to have more damage than we did... We were without power for 50 hours and had a lot of tree damage. We are still cleaning up our yard. Fun Fun...

SO--to see the Crocus, Hyacinths and Daffodils in bloom is such a joy. Oh how I love SPRING....


Connie said...

Happy Spring to you, Brenda. Your poem and photos are lovely. :-) I'm so glad to have spring finally arrive too.

lil red hen said...

So, so true! "God has made everything beautiful!"

magnoliasntea said...

Lovely spring poem, Brenda! I'm so glad to see spring arrive, too. I heard a bit of the Easter cantata this morning just before daybreak - the birds where already singing. Have a great week!

NCmountainwoman said...

Lovely. I'm also delighted to find spring is coming.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

How very sweet to read your poem and post today. Happy Spring to you as well!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Yes, we do, Brenda. and thank God, He is still interested in the things that concern us.

I do like your Haiku

Nancy Simpson said...

Hello Brenda. Thank Goodness Spring is here. Your poem thrills me.


Susie Swanson said...

Happy Spring to you dear friend. I hope the freeze doesn't get what's come out this weekend. But we have all the winters yet, Dogwood, Easter, Blackberry, etc. I love your poem so much. Thank you so much for submitting my name for The "Hometown Memories" Book. I submitted a short story and they accepted it. Can't wait to read what you put in.

TexWisGirl said...

just lovely, brenda! happy spring to you!

janet smart said...

Lovely poem and photos. Oh, how I long for spring! Our daffodils are up, too.

Anonymous said...

Stopping by to wish you and your family a blessed Easter.

Nancy Simpson said...

Brenda, I am going to miss reading with you this year during National Poetry Month. I hope Blanche will be well and up and around soon and hope to hear your new poems soon. This one is most special.

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