Tuesday, March 17, 2015



Early spring morning,
raindrops glitter on the poplars,
lupines sprinkle hillsides.

Wearing orange-striped vests,
cups open to drink sunshine,
a rainbow of tulips.

Snow twirls on breeze,
hundreds of apple blossoms
tossing petals to the earth.

Easter cantata,
robins perform in the hills,
daffodils dancing.
                  --Brenda Kay Ledford

Welcome Spring!

I hope all my blogger friends will have a beautiful and splendid spring.  I'm so glad to see spring again.  It gives me hope that "all things work together for the good to those who love God and called to Him."  We indeed serve a living Lord!  Amen!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Frozen Fairyland

The rising sun paints
the snow-capped mountains
with broad brush strokes,
pink and purple shades.

Under the veils of lace,
white silence fills the hills.
Walking through the forest,
footsteps crunch snow.

A cardinal rustles
powder from the pines,
berries frozen on holly;
winter carves ice sculptures

on Hyatt-Mill Creek.
Three deer appear,
icicles dazzle on roofs,
wood smoke curving heavenward.
                  --Brenda Kay Ledford

Happy Poems

 HAPPY POEMS Sunshine breaks through the clouds, the robins relish this day, a cheerful greeting. Lesley was a Bliss, she sparkles with happ...