Monday, July 7, 2014


Stray sun rays ricochet through
a layer of marshmallow clouds
on this July morning.

A rain crow coos
on Joe Knob and predicts
an evening shower.

The zinnias ballet dance
in pink, purple, and peach dresses,
on a guest of wind.

A cluster of mushrooms
sprinkles the yard with popcorn.
My neighbor's beagle digs holes,

nothing squelches his hunter's instinct.
My shoes slush through mud:
picking a bucket of blackberries.

I steal a peek
at the bluebird eggs,
wings flutter from the nest.

Mama bluebird keeps watch
on the power lines,
kathydids scrape fiddles on the ridge.
                      --Brenda Kay Ledford


magnoliasntea said...

Hi Brenda Kay!
I always enjoy your lovely poems, and this one is especially fun. You nailed the attributes zinnias and beagles. I'd never heard of a rain crow so that was interesting to look up and read about. I hope you and your mother are having a beautiful summer.

NCmountainwoman said...

What a lovely description of summertime. I really love it.

lil red hen said...

Beautiful poem, Brenda! You've captured lots of summer activities here. I remember those good wild blackberries, along with chiggers and June bugs.

Connie said...

What a wonderful description of summertime! I really like this one, Brenda. Great images.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What a perfect poem, Brenda! I especially like the ballet dancing zinnias. There is so much lovely to enjoy in the summertime, isn't there!

Anonymous said...

This is just lovely Brenda. Good ole' summertime. Always a joy to visit with you.

Donna Volkenannt said...

What a lovely poem about summertime. So vivid and evocative!

TexWisGirl said...

lovely summer poem! :)

Susie Swanson said...

Love this one so much. You have described it so well.

Janet, said...

Nice poem, Brenda. A perfect description of summertime!

Linda said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this! I have dancing zinnias too!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

I love your words and it makes summertime such a magical time! Have a great week ahead!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi There, Trying to catch up a bit... My crazy life this time of year keeps me busy--and blogging gets behind... Hope you are having a nice summer so far. We have had a cooler than normal July ---which is nice.

Love your Summer Poem...

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