Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Georgia Mountain Fair

The Georgia Mountain Fair highlights a pioneer village, crafts, a museum, carnival rides, popular musical performances, and food in Hiawassee, Georgia. 

Check for the dates at the website:

The Georgia Mountain Fair includes a pioneer village.  It features an authentically recreated mountain town of yesterday with a mercantile store, one-roomed school, log cabins, barn, corncrib, and smokehouse.
You'll see authentic demonstrations of moonshine stilling, board splitting, black smithing, quilting, singing and picking.
Also, the fair provides lots of food.  Fried apple pies. Ice-cold lemonade, cotton candy, apple cider, and ice-cream!  Savor an ice-cream cone under the shade of an oak and enjoy the bluegrass music floating on a breeze across the fairgrounds.
For information, go to:

Monday, July 7, 2014


Stray sun rays ricochet through
a layer of marshmallow clouds
on this July morning.

A rain crow coos
on Joe Knob and predicts
an evening shower.

The zinnias ballet dance
in pink, purple, and peach dresses,
on a guest of wind.

A cluster of mushrooms
sprinkles the yard with popcorn.
My neighbor's beagle digs holes,

nothing squelches his hunter's instinct.
My shoes slush through mud:
picking a bucket of blackberries.

I steal a peek
at the bluebird eggs,
wings flutter from the nest.

Mama bluebird keeps watch
on the power lines,
kathydids scrape fiddles on the ridge.
                      --Brenda Kay Ledford

Happy Poems

 HAPPY POEMS Sunshine breaks through the clouds, the robins relish this day, a cheerful greeting. Lesley was a Bliss, she sparkles with happ...