Saturday, March 1, 2014


The season's first jonquils
pulsed on an icy breeze,
and sprinkled churned butter
beside the split-railed fence.

Pulsed on an icy breeze,
frogs echoed on Hyatt Mill Creek.
Beside the split-railed fence,
calves frolicked in the pasture.

Frogs echoed on Hyatt Mill Creek,
robins spread a bronze blanket,
calves frolicked in the pasture;
pink skies kissed the mountains.

Light ricocheted across the country
and sprinkled churned butter.
My heart filled with joy--
the seasons' first jonquils!
          --Brenda Kay Ledford


Anonymous said...

How very pretty! I love this time of year. We went for a drive thru the country last week and had so much fun looking for the colors of spring.

lil red hen said...

I really like this one! Splendid descriptive words which bring pictures to the mind.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Beautiful poem Brenda! The first flowers of Springtime are always such a treat after the gray of winter.

Susie Swanson said...

Beautiful poem Brenda. Mine hasn't quite bloomed yet but probably in the next week. I love to see them. It's puts spring in our hearts after a cold winter. Susie

magnoliasntea said...

Oh my, your header is lovely with the river/creek, and the jonquils are beautiful. And the poem is just wonderful. Love the scene you painted with words. :) Have a great weekend.

Connie said...

Such a lovely poem, Brenda! I really liked seeing these spring photos too.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi, We are home from a wonderful trip to Arkansas with friends. Photos tomorrow!!!!!

Hope you have had a great week. Love your gorgeous flowers. We saw some Jonquils/Daffodils this past week in Arkansas. Nothing here yet though. I am so ready for spring--but winter is now finished with us....


Betsy Banks Adams said...

I meant NOT finished with us (instead of NOW).. We still have more winter to come I'm afraid..

Glenda Beall said...

I don't have flowers blooming yet, and with today's bad weather, I'm afraid their little heads would freeze off, but I love this poem, Brenda. Your images take me right there.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Just love your pretty words. Such pretty flowers!

Rana Williams said...

Hi Brenda,

I love your poem. I love the photos.

I did mail out my submission for the Clay County poetry contest. I am excited about the whole thing.

Your friend,

Rana Williams said...

Hi Brenda,

I love your poem. I love the photos.

I did mail out my submission for the Clay County poetry contest. I am excited about the whole thing.

Your friend,

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