Friday, February 14, 2014

Blue Ridge Mountains' Snow

Confetti twirls to the ground,
a mid-winter celebration,
my boots crunching the snow.

The crisp scent of cedar trees,
a mourning dove trilling on Jo Knob,
confetti twirls to the ground.

Five deer bound over a fence,
disappear into the laurel thicket,
my boots crunching the snow.

Children bobsled in the pasture,
my hot breath blows steam,
confetti twirls to the ground.

North wind bites the nose,
the pond glitters with ice,
my boots crunching the snow.

Walking the woodland trail,
cotton balls cling to pines,
confetti twirls to the ground;
my boots crunching the snow.
          --Brenda Kay Ledford

I hope all of my blogger friends are well and made it fine through the snow the Southeast had this week.  Most of the snow has melted now.  Locally, we did not have any power outage, but many did lose power across the region.  It was a beautiful snow, but it's great to see sunshine today.  I am looking forward to spring.


magnoliasntea said...

Hi Brenda Kay,
Love the poem - my boots did a lot of that crunching in the snow, too. I have chickens in the barn below our house so I had to make several trips in the snow for them. We got about 8 inches this time, and it was a beautiful snow.
Love those snow photos! They're beautiful. The ones house and dog are my favorites.
Stay warm and have a great weekend!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful photos, Brenda.We had about 5+ inches here and it was a beautiful snow. I'll blog about it this coming week.

Happy Valentine's Day.

Connie said...

This is a delightful poem, Brenda. I really liked this one.

Beautiful photos too. I hope you are staying safe and warm and that you have a happy Valentine's Day.

Susie Swanson said...

Beautiful poem and photos. It was a beautiful snow for sure. I'm so glad ya'll didn't lose power. We can say we are the lucky ones this time. So many are still without power. I could do just fine without anymore snow or cold. I'm ready for spring too. Happy Valentine's Day

TexWisGirl said...

thanks for sharing the beauty of winter. :)

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Beautiful poem and photos, Brenda. It is always good to see you here sharing your talent. And yes, I am ready for Spring, too. We had sunshine and warmer weather today in Houston, so we've been outside cleaning up the yard a little.

lil red hen said...

Brenda, this poem captures the sights and sounds of a snow event just perfectly. I love your repetitive use of the phrases.

Linda said...

Sounds idyllic! Have a nice weekend.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Beautiful poem and lovely photos. Hope this finds you doing well and staying warm!


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