Monday, April 15, 2013



After William Wordsworth’s The Daffodils

I wandered lonely as a cloud
over the mountains and meadows,
when I saw a cluster,
a throng of tulips;
beside an old rock chimney,
pulsing on a breeze.

Continuous as soldiers marching
together in a platoon,
they kept time with
the robins trilling in pines:
dozens caught my attention,
a rainbow lifting praise.

The trillium beside them swayed,
but they out-did the wildflowers:
a poet could not be sad
beholding nature’s display:
I drank the beauty before me.

When I gazed at the television
in a bored state,
their faces came to mind:
my heart filled with joy
and I waltzed with the tulips.
--Brenda Kay Ledford


Susie Swanson said...

Oh I love this Brenda.. I love to waltz with the tulips. They are so beautiful this time of year and they are a little late this year along with other stuff.. Hope you're enjoying the nice weather..

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous tulips, Brenda... I love tulips and ours are beginning to bloom here now. We are going to Biltmore tomorrow to see if we can see their tulips in bloom....

Have a great week.

Connie said...

Beautiful poem and tulips, Brenda. I love all those bright colors. We finally have daffodils in bloom here. Spring has been a long time coming this year.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

How absolutely incredibly beautiful! - the tulips and the poem. Tulips will only bloom one time here. It is too hot. So thank you for sharing yours.

lil red hen said...

Splendid poem!! You've captured so well the feelings we have when spring arrives. I don't have much luck with tulips, maybe it's too warm here? There are about five, scattered here and there over the yard, that bloom every year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda, Beautiful poem and photos. Thank you for your kind wishes re our move. We are moving to Gainesville GA.
Wishing you a good week.

Carol Kilgore said...

Loved the waltzing with the tulips :)

Paula said...

This was such a beautiful poem, Brenda~ and those colors are amazing!

Janet, said...

Beautiful pictures and poem, Brenda. Tulips are in bloom in our region now.

Joan Ellen Gage Admin said...

Lovely photos, Brenda! Wish I could touch them!

Wendy said...

Lovely tulips and words!

Blessings ~ Wendy

Rana Williams said...

Love the images of tulips. Very awesome poem.

I found out today my poem entered in the local contest won an award.

I am so proud to win an award, especially this one.

Your Poet friend,

Eggs In My Pocket said...

So beautiful are your words! Lovely blooms as well!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Congratulations upon winning the award for the Clay County Historical and Arts Council Poetry Contest. I hope to be able to attend "Evening with the Arts" on Thursday evening.
Again, I'm proud of you, Rana!

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