Monday, March 4, 2013


Winding around Shooting Creek,
crystal water gurgles over rocks.
Off Eagle Fork Road,

the steeple of a church
graces the azure sky.
Jonquils blooming in the pasture,

a patchwork quilt
dazzles in the light.
A cheery floral pattern

pieced together on boards.
“Grandmother’s Flower Garden”
hanging on the old barn.

--Brenda Kay Ledford

Jack and Audrey Anderson of Shooting Creek own the 1900’s barn
pictured above. Jack’s mother, Myrtle Anderson, quilted “Grandmother’s
Flower Garden,” and many other patterns throughout her 102 years.
Reba Beck, retired art teacher at Hayesville High School, is spearheading
the quilt trail project in Clay County, NC.

For information, call: 828-389-0129.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous, Brenda... I love seeing quilt barns when we travel. The barn you pictured is truly awesome. Thanks for sharing --and thanks for the great poem.

Carol Kilgore said...

Are they really hanging quilts on those old barns or is someone painting the pattern on them? They're beautiful, whichever it is.

lil red hen said...

I've never seen a barn with a quilt painted on it, but have seen Eleanor Burn's quilt show where she shows pictures of such barns and then makes actual quilts from the patterns. You certainly describe things wonderfully.

Janet, said...

Those are so neat. We don't have a barn, but we have a wooden building that is painted white. I've tried to talk my husband and son to either paint a quilt block or flag on it. Maybe this summer I can get it done.

Susie Swanson said...

That is so beautiful Brenda.. I've heard of these quilts being painted on old barns over the country but didn't know about this one.. I Love your poem.. As always it is so well written and captures the quilt and countryside so well.. I hope you and your mother are well. I'm waiting patiently for spring and it seems to be taking its own sweet time this year..

Glenda said...

Love this idea and your word picture of your beautiful surroundings!

Connie said...

Lovely poem, Brenda. The barn quilts are so pretty. I saw some pictures of some others not too long ago, but that was the first I had ever heard of them.

Paula said...

This poem was wonderful, Brenda~ and just up the road from us in Grainger County (where all the tomatoes come from) they had a barn quilt trail a few years ago and just about all of them still have their quilts. I always enjoy taking a drive through there and seeing them. ((HUGS))

Eggs In My Pocket said...

102 years of stitching! Love to see barn quilts............there are not too many in my area! Love your poem as well!

My Vintage Life said...

Such a pretty barn and the quilt painted on it looks wonderful! How wonderful to live to be 102 and to get so much quilting done!

Nancy Simpson said...

Good Poem, Brenda. I wish I had thought of it.

I am excited the barn quilts all around Clay County. Artist Reba Beck (Clay County Arts Council) is behind this project and she has involved many in the painting of the quilts.

I especially love this quilt belonging to Audrey and Jack.

Susan said...

Lovely! I just posted about barn quilts. Am in LOVE with them! Yours especially!

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