Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Renewal resounds from
the hills and hollows,
spring kept her promise.
Robins flock to the poplars,

swoop over my yard
like a tapestry, whoosh
to the pond echoing
with frogs. Newborn calves

frolic in fields dotted
with daffodils planted
by a pioneer woman
decades ago beside

the Hyatt Mill Creek
gushing from the Matheson Cove.
Clay dirt calls my name,
time to sow vegetable seeds.

Tulips spring forth from
earth’s tomb. The chains
of darkness broken—
a place to renew faith.
--Brenda Kay Ledford

Monday, March 4, 2013


Winding around Shooting Creek,
crystal water gurgles over rocks.
Off Eagle Fork Road,

the steeple of a church
graces the azure sky.
Jonquils blooming in the pasture,

a patchwork quilt
dazzles in the light.
A cheery floral pattern

pieced together on boards.
“Grandmother’s Flower Garden”
hanging on the old barn.

--Brenda Kay Ledford

Jack and Audrey Anderson of Shooting Creek own the 1900’s barn
pictured above. Jack’s mother, Myrtle Anderson, quilted “Grandmother’s
Flower Garden,” and many other patterns throughout her 102 years.
Reba Beck, retired art teacher at Hayesville High School, is spearheading
the quilt trail project in Clay County, NC.

For information, call: 828-389-0129.

Happy Poems

 HAPPY POEMS Sunshine breaks through the clouds, the robins relish this day, a cheerful greeting. Lesley was a Bliss, she sparkles with happ...