Wednesday, September 20, 2023



Gems glitter on grass,
royal-blue ribbons herald fall,
sunflowers drinking light.

A wedge of geese honks,
cornstalks rattle their fingers,
Joe-pye weeds dancing.

Pumpkins dot the patch,
the old wagon is loaded.
Mama's pie baking.

Ghosts fly through the skies,
stars sparkle on black velvet,
a barn owl resounds.
                 --Brenda Kay Ledford

Wishing all my blogger friends Happy Halloween!


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I love the picture language of this poem and the beautiful pictures included in the post. And I am SO ready for autumnal weather after the summer we've had!

Prims By The Water said...

Enjoyed reading your poem. My nephew lives in Hickory, NC Janice

BVLW said...

Looking at this picture of pumpkins, I have visions of pumpkin pie. I'm going to get started and bake. I love the poem that you have written that goes with it. BVLW

Donna said...

And to you, as well!!

Carla from The River said...

I loved your poem... mama's pie baking. xx oo Carla

Yesteryear Embroideries said...

Happy Halloween and fall time wishes to you ! I always love to stop by here to read your wonderful words. The photos are lovely!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Happy Halloween and fall wishes to you as well! I love your poem and your photos. Your words always paint such a lovely picture!

R. Williams said...

Hi, Brenda,

I love the colors in your photos. Very beautiful. My new blog is

Thank you.

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