Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Color Brown


November drapes the Blue Ridge Mountains with a tapestry of maroon, gold, and brown.  It weaves a mat of tan threads on the soybean field that's ready to harvest.

Two squirrels chase each other around a tree trunk, leap on a carpet of leaves, and scamper with walnuts into the woods.  The waking sun ricochets through a handful of golden foliage.

Autumn fades into earth tones.  These butternut colors depress some people because they announce the arrival of winter.

But my daddy's favorite color was brown.  He ran a bulldozer and loved the dirt.  Maybe it's because he was down-to-earth and made no pretense.  Kind, generous, and grateful were his qualities.

He passed away  on Thanksgiving Day.  This holiday will always hold a hollow place in my heart.  If it  had been possible, Daddy would have chosen this day to enter heaven.

Created from the earth, returning to the earth, and springing forth from the earth.  The cycle of life.

It's no wonder Daddy's favorite color was brown.

I wish all my blogger friends a blessed Thanksgiving!



Granny Marigold said...

It must be a great solace for you, knowing your father is in heaven even though it must cast a cloud on your celebration of Thanksgiving. Here in Canada we had ours in October ( it's always the second Monday of that month) and I made the whole turkey, ham, etc.. for the family. Thank you for popping by my blog and leaving pleasant comments.

Hootin Anni said...

What a beautiful, poignant, and heart-warming tribute.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What a beautiful post! I love the way you string words together. You always make me smile. Thank you!

R's Rue said...

Your post is beautiful. I love it. Have a lovely day.

Glenda Beall said...

Thanks, Brenda. Happy Thanksgiving to you and thanks for this post.

Donna said...

I'm SO sorry about your Dad...It's Mothers' Day for me. My Mom passed on the 14th.

Henny Penny said...

Oh Brenday, this is so beautifully written. My Mother died on Thanksgiving Day in 2007. I can understand how you feel. Your Dad sounds like a wonderful man. He loved the earth. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I will come back and read this post again before Thanksgiving. Oh, the picture! It absolutely takes my breath away. Bet you have seen lots of those beautiful colors there in the mountains. Maybe some day we can ride up there to see the fall colors again.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Such a heart touching post........and I am so sorry that Thanksgiving day has a reminder of your father's death. I used to not care for the color of brown, but in later years, it brings out so many of the other colors when put together. Here's wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving

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