Saturday, June 18, 2022

Father's Day


Daddy and me when I was about 10 years old.  He was my best friend growing up in the mountains.

Fathers are special.  They make a profound influence on the lives of children.

I was blessed to have a wonderful daddy.  He worked hard to provide for our family.

Daddy was a bi-vocational minister.  He pastored churches (never received a salary) and worked on construction jobs operating cranes and bulldozers for 50 cents an hour.

He instilled faith and the value of hard work in the lives of  my siblings and me.  Unfortunately, some people don't have that work ethic today.

Daddy also valued education.  He didn't have an opportunity to get a college education because he worked as a teenager to help support his parents and siblings.  Daddy was self-educated and loved to read especially the Bible.

Although Daddy couldn't afford it, he bought a set of "World Book Encyclopedias" for our family.  He encouraged us to look up information and to enrich our lives.

"Get a good education," he said.  "That's something no one can ever take away from you."

My siblings and I were fortunate to attend college.  Daddy sacrificed to help with our education.  My sister was the first one in our family to get a graduate degree.  My brother was a 30-year law enforcement officer, and I'm a retired educator.  We owe it to Daddy.

When Daddy had an opportunity to take seminary extension classes at the Dr. George W. Truett Baptist Association, he furthered his education.  After working late each day on the construction job, he took classes at night.  I know he was exhausted, but determined to learn all he could.

He wrote research papers and made an A on all his work.  He was intelligent and  had an amazing memory.  Daddy memorized many books of the Bible, never used any notes when he delivered sermons.

Daddy instilled within me the values of hard work and knowledge.  Most of all, he showed by example a life filled with faith and love!

I wish all my blogger friends a very happy Father's Day1


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What an absolutely wonderful post. Your Daddy was a very special person. With him and Miss Blanche for parents, it is no wonder you are such a blessing yourself. Thank you for sharing!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Such a sweet and loving pots of your father! You are so blessed to have such wonderful memories of him!

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