Monday, August 24, 2020

Barn Quilt


One autumn night

a Full Harvest Moon glows

over the Red Plank House.

The Bear Paw barn quilt

hangs on the old home.

Mama pieced the Lone Star

from the scrap box:

dresses, shirts, aprons, worn out.

Adventure in the mountains:

wildlife rangers chased

a black bear through

our front yard, across the porch.

Twin cubs climbed an oak,

Spot barked up the tree.

Bears wandered the woods

searching for berries and walnuts.

      --Brenda Kay Ledford

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Autumn Wildflowers

Fog rises from the mountains
as pink clouds swirl ribbons
over the fields of goldenrod
burning their torches.

Early morning dew covers
the jewelweed sparkling
as gems in the sunlight,
hummingbirds dip and dive

among the Joe-Pye weed,
cattle graze in yellow-green pastures,
the ironweed nods purple
heads on the wind.

Butterfly weed dot roadbanks
across the countryside,
Monarch butterflies flutter,
bells bloom on sourwood trees.
                   --Brenda Kay Ledford

Happy Poems

 HAPPY POEMS Sunshine breaks through the clouds, the robins relish this day, a cheerful greeting. Lesley was a Bliss, she sparkles with happ...