Friday, December 27, 2019

Song of the Red Birds

Listen to the songs
of the red birds perched
on the highest branch
of the naked tree,
the east wind tosses
their feathers,
tilting their heads
to the snowflakes twirling
across the woods,
the Red Birds trill,
"Cheer!  Cheer!  Cheer!"
on the grayest day
of the New Year,
they do not hear
the other creatures
complaining and shivering
in the cold winter,
the Red Birds keep
a cheerful song of their hearts
as they bob and sing.
          --Brenda Kay Ledford

This poem appeared in "Pancakes in Heaven,"
                                       January 2020 issue

I wish all my blogger friends a very happy New Year!

Friday, December 6, 2019

Christmas Presents

                                 My great-niece, Reagan, and her Grandma Barbara

Little hands rip the paper
from the Christmas presents,
Reagan jumps up and down with glee.

Decorations sparkle on the tree,
surprises tumble from boxes,
little hands rip paper.

The adults laugh and clap,
a puppy sings merry tunes
from the Christmas presents.

For awhile peace reigns,
we celebrate with childish eyes,
Reagan jumps up and down with glee.
                --Brenda Kay Ledford

I wish all my blogger friends a blessed Christmas and joyful New Year!

Happy Poems

 HAPPY POEMS Sunshine breaks through the clouds, the robins relish this day, a cheerful greeting. Lesley was a Bliss, she sparkles with happ...