Tuesday, May 1, 2018


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                 Buttercups pop up on roadsides, their sunny faces thrive despite the frost.


In late April,
ice sparkles like pearls
on tender tomato plants.

Wasted work, wasted time!
If I can find
the heart to replant.

But dozens of buttercups
pop up on roadsides,
their sunny faces thrive.

The purple phlox
creeps over verdant grass,
frost didn't steal their act.

Not even the dogwoods
washing the woods with snow
are squelched by winter

scratching the face of spring.
Why droop my head?
I'll rebound.  I will rebound!
                --Brenda Kay Ledford

                                Dogwoods washing the mountains with snow.

I hope all my blogger friends are having a beautiful spring and when you plant your garden, that the plants will not be nipped by Jack Frost! 


Ruth Hiebert said...

Yes,all too often a late frost damages our plants. There are always a few very hardy ones that are not affected. Love the pretty ones you posted.

Anonymous said...

Happy May! I'll have to be on the lookout for buttercups. Your photos and the poem are beautiful. I especially love the dogwoods.

lil red hen said...

This is such a good poem! We've certainly had a late spring this year. But things are finally getting a chance to come alive. The irises are blooming and they're so pretty!

Susie Swanson said...

Love this Brenda. I sure hate to hear the frost got some of your garden. this is a strange spring and lots of people have lost what they have planted. I sure hope May is a warmer month for all.

Connie said...

Beautiful poem and photos, Brenda! Isn't it amazing the resilience of spring and how it always returns to us eventually. Happy spring to you!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Truly a picture of the heartbreak of gardening. But, we are eternal optimists, aren't we? Try again and it will be better next time!

Glenda Beall said...

Love the buttercups, Brenda. Very nice poem.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Brenda, Beautiful pictures of SPRING.... It took spring a long time to get here this year --but now that it's here, I love it even more..... The frost and freezes in April really did a number on some of our flowers also.... It has been a crazy year!!!!!

Hope you are doing well.

I talked about a new book you would enjoy reading on my blog today....

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