Thursday, December 31, 2015

Book Review: Rainbow Chaser

Book Review:  Rainbow Chaser
                         by:  Connie Biltz

One of my blogger friends, Daisy, at:, has written a terrific poetry book, Rainbow Chaser. Here's a brief review of her book.

Biltz, Connie.  Rainbow Chaser. Bradenton, Florida:, Inc., 2015.  163 pp., paperback.  $14.95.

Connie Biltz chases the gloom away with her delightful poetry book, Rainbow Chaser. Sip a cup of hot cocoa and refresh your soul with her verse.  Her title poem seeks goodness in the world:

"Bring on the colors, the glow, and the hope. call me a rainbow chaser.
Bring on the balloons, the chocolate, and the confetti,
I guarantee we won't regret it."

Connie takes the readers on an image-filled journey in her poetry book.  She uses sounds and word play to keep the fingers flipping the pages.  Her sense of humor amuses and surprises us.

Nature influences her poetry.  Not even the rain keeps "Rainy Day Daisy," down:

"Swaying in the wind,
a daisy stoops and struggles
under the weight of heavy rain.

...Springing back after the storm,
tilting and nodding,
the daisy turns
and faces the sun."

We take an exciting walk in her poem, "My Listening Walk."  Sounds, word play, and rhythm get our feet tapping:

"Walking shoes, rhythmic feet,
catch in a bit of gravel-
ping, clickety, ping."

Connie's poem, "Whispering of Angels," soothes the spirit at this time of year:
"Midst the clamor of merrymaking, card-sending, and cookie-baking, seek the quiet of the not-yet-frozen lake.  Listen closely.  Hear the whisper of angels as you savor each glittery snowflake."

She captures vivid word images in the changing seasons.  Sparks ignite leaves in "Flames of Fire."  Chocolate sauce drizzles over ribbons of peppermint in a winter sunset.  Piles of sculpted snow are like slain dragons on the sides of roads.  At last a bunny bounces, kicks up spring. Now look!  Think of the crocus and its amazing hocus pocus.  Winter may cling and linger, but it will eventually slither away.Besides writing about nature, Connie's family and friends are dear to her.  "Gratitude List" and "Blessings Counted" cause us to pause.  Ponder.  Give thanks!

"Bits and Pieces" is the final curtain of her poetry collection.  Get connected.  "Ditch Those Digital Devices":

...Put the phone down.
Look up and look around.
Communicate one on one:
make a friend, make a point,
win a heart, and stir affection."

Connie Biltz wins hearts with her beautiful poetry book, Rainbow Chaser. It's a great read!

You may order Connie's book at, or contact her at:

Book reviewed by:  Brenda Kay Ledford

New Year's Day

The last day
of December
black dots
the verdant grass
flash floods
the field--a pond
deer nibble cut corn
rhododendrons budding
in the Blue Ridge Mountains
unseasonable weather
El Nino
traffic startles
the crows
a black blanket
soars to the pines
squawk, squawk, squawking 
a scarlet ribbon
flutters through fog
the cardinal
a New Year!
         --Brenda Kay Ledford

I wish my blogger friends a very Happy New Year!

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