Thursday, May 7, 2015


You march into May
splashing rainbows on roadbanks,
an emblem of kings;
you outrank the rose.

Clouds float like angels
over fields of wildflowers,
taking your place at spring;
you march into May.

Lifting your face to the sun,
a Monarch butterfly sips nectar
from the crystal fountain
splashing rainbows on roadbanks.

On the heels of tulips,
the iris stands as a sentinel,
keeps time with the drumbeat;
an emblem of kings.

A time to everything,
the mourning dove cooing;
with majesty you flare out
and outrank the rose.
             --Brenda Kay Ledford


Susie Swanson said...

Beautiful poem Brenda. They surely are beautiful this year. I hope your mother is doing better. Happy Mother's Day to you both.

magnoliasntea said...

Lovely photos and the poem was a very good read. Thank you for sharing, Brenda Kay.

Dorothy said...

Neat poem and lovely Iris!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, This is a lovely poem and such gorgeous pictures. I don't have irises at our home but I enjoy seeing our neighbors and blog friends' blooms. God bless you and your Mother this weekend.

lil red hen said...

This is great! Irises are such pretty flowers, coming in so many beautiful colors. Mine look a little droopy today after a rain, but they needed the moisture so I'll not complain. Do you have a lot of different colors?

Connie said...

What a lovely poem, Brenda, and your photos are beautiful. I love irises. Wishing you a nice weekend and a happy Mother's Day.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Beautiful poem and beautiful iris, Brenda! I miss the bearded iris, I've just never been able to get them to grow here for me. Yours are lovely.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi there, Just stopping by to say “Happy Mother’s Day” to you. I’m sure you are having a fabulous day. I celebrated yesterday when one of my sons and his beautiful wife came to see us….

As you probably know, we’ve been out-of-town this past week and I haven’t done any blogging much at all. I hope you enjoyed my two Tulip blog posts while we were gone——and be sure and tune in tomorrow morning to find out what we’ve been doing this past week….

Enjoyed your post today! Oh My Goodness... When I do a Iris post (coming up sometimes soon) showing all of our Irises (best year for Irises yet here I think) --I may want to use your poem. LOVE it... I'll need your permission....


Eggs In My Pocket said...

How very pretty........poem and flowers! I have not tried to raise iris's, but you have now inspired me!

TexWisGirl said...

so very beautiful, brenda.

Janet, said...

I love iris's. Yours are so pretty!

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