Tuesday, August 19, 2014


A torch that lights
the fields at fall,
glowing like gold
on the roadsides.

You outshine other wildflowers
putting on a show,
and pulse in the wind;
a torch that lights.

I've longed for cooler weather
on hot summer days,
glorious goldenrods adorning
the fields at fall.

Summer scorched the skin
of tender plants,
you sprang forth just in time,
glowing like gold.

Who is the champion
of autumn's fashion show?
It is the goldenrod
burning on the road banks.
            --Brenda Kay Ledford

The goldenrods, Joe-Pye weeds, iron weeds, and purple asters are blooming now.  These wildflowers testify that fall cannot be far away.  You can see the leaves taking on a golden glow in the Blue Ridge Mountains.  I hope we will have a brilliant, colorful foliage show.  I've heard over the radio that the apples are abundant this year in our region.  I'm looking forward to autumn.  I'm grateful to live in an area where each season has its beauty.

A morning glory glows on cornstalks.

                                                 Paint ponies overlook Shooting Creek.

                                                 Soon foliage will shimmer like a box of crayons.

Happy Poems

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