Friday, March 21, 2014

Blue Ridge Mountain Spring

On the first day of spring,
the ghost-print of a Full Sap Moon
shimmies over Shewbird Mountain,
the yellowbell bush ringing a tune.

The ghost-print of a Full Sap Moon,
a carpet of purple thrift,
the yellowbell bush ringing a tune,
willow trees spread lacy fingers.

A carpet of purple thrift,
daffodis dot the creek banks,
willow trees spread lacy fingers,
the bluebirds lifting melodies.

The promise of hope
shimmies over Shewbird Mountain,
life rising from earth's tomb;
on the first day of spring!
            --Brenda Kay Ledford

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

An Irish Prayer

May God give you...
for every storm, a rainbow,
for every tear, a smile,
for every care, a promise,
and a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
a faithful friend to share,
for every sigh, a sweet song,
and an answer for each prayer.

When my sister and I took a trip to Ireland in the late 1980's, lovely thatched-roof cottages like this dotted the Emerald Isle. Because it rains almost every day, the grass is verdant in Ireland.  We often saw double rainbows after a rainshower in this country.

When our bus driver drove on the left side of the road, I almost screamed, but soon got used to the Irish driving on this side of the highway.  Here's a photo where cattle crossed in front of the tour coach as we traveled through the country.

It was common for horses to pull "traps" loaded with milk and cream in the country.  My sister and I had ice creams that were pure, rich cream.  Oh, my strawberry ice cream was so good!

My mother thinks the reason I talk so much is because I kissed the Blarney Stone!

Saturday, March 1, 2014


The season's first jonquils
pulsed on an icy breeze,
and sprinkled churned butter
beside the split-railed fence.

Pulsed on an icy breeze,
frogs echoed on Hyatt Mill Creek.
Beside the split-railed fence,
calves frolicked in the pasture.

Frogs echoed on Hyatt Mill Creek,
robins spread a bronze blanket,
calves frolicked in the pasture;
pink skies kissed the mountains.

Light ricocheted across the country
and sprinkled churned butter.
My heart filled with joy--
the seasons' first jonquils!
          --Brenda Kay Ledford

Happy Poems

 HAPPY POEMS Sunshine breaks through the clouds, the robins relish this day, a cheerful greeting. Lesley was a Bliss, she sparkles with happ...