Monday, March 22, 2021



Spring!  Wonderful, beautiful spring!  

It seems as though this is the most splendid spring we have ever had in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina.  Maybe it's just I am wanting to celebrate new life after such a trying year.  

Everywhere you look there's beauty.  The Bradford pear trees are like giant ice cream cones.  Redbud trees dance in lilac lace, and Josie's tulip tree bursts forth with shades of purple.  The daffodils dot the verdant grass with churned butter, and the forsythia bush rings yellow bells on a crisp breeze.

This morning a bunny rabbit hopped across the purple violets and announced Easter is coming.  Baby chicks crack out of their shells and peep, peep, peep!  Songbirds lift cheerful tunes in the maple trees wearing strands of rubies.  

Nature is putting on a grand show celebrating new life. Sunbeams glitter on mountain streams echoing with bullfrogs blowing their trumpets.  The air is filled with fragrance that you cannot find in any bottle.  

Life.  Resurrection power.  Christ has risen from the grave and there is hope.

I wish all my blogger friends a blessed and beautiful Easter!



 After the storm, peace falls upon the earth like an emerald scarf. After the fog lifts, a sunrise sets the mountains afire. After all the o...