Tuesday, November 19, 2019


On Thanksgiving Day,
I gaze out the window,
reflect upon my blessings.

Beauty unfolds:
layers of blue ridges rolling,
ancient Appalachian Mountains.

Home of the Cherokee Indians,
feather clouds floating
through the azure skies.

Cinnamon, nutmeg, and pumpkin spice leaves
flutter in the wind,
poplars wave their gold palms.

A wedge of geese
trumpets above corn shocks
and drives down on the pond.

Maples reflect like cinders
on the aqua waters.
White-tailed deer appear

like ghosts from the laurel thicket,
the last rose scents the cove;
I'm grateful for many blessings.
                     --Brenda Kay Ledford

I hope all my blogger friends will have a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

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