Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Great American Eclipse Experience

The Great American Eclipse united our country on August 21, 2017 awhile.  There were no blacks, whites, republicans, or democrats.  Conflicts were put aside and folks of all creeds and colors stood beside each other and beheld the magnificent big sky event.

The total solar eclipse stretched from the west coast to the east coast of the USA.  The moon's shadow covered a 60-mile-wide path across the United States toward the eastern part of our country. 

 Most people experienced 2 minutes and 33 seconds of darkness during the total solar eclipse.  Other parts of the United States experienced a partial eclipse.  It was a once-in-a-lifetime event for just our country.

I looked forward to the total solar eclipse with anticipation in western North Carolina.  Of course I knew the scientific explanation of the eclipse, but you never know...

I donned my solar eclipse glasses and "Mooned by the Sun" tee shirt.  The partial eclipse began around 2:00 p.m. in Clay County, NC. 

It was an eerie feeling!  Shadows grew longer.  The wind ceased and it was so quiet.  The temperature dropped 10 degrees and was chilly.  Security lights came on.  Pink clouds brushed the horizon as the moon progressed across the sun.  At 2:35 PM total darkness!  A diamond of light sparkled around the outer edge of the sun.  I saw stars and Mercury and Mars.

What an awesome experience!

No wonder folks traveled hundreds of miles even from overseas to see the total solar eclipse.  We didn't have as much traffic as expected in Hayesville, NC.  But the hotels and campgrounds were all booked.

It was a spiritual experience for me.  Many folks interviewed on TV felt the same way.  The total solar eclipse was indeed a moving experience.  The cosmic event reminded me of the Great I Am who created both the heaven and the earth.

I'm glad I got to see the total solar eclipse.  I was able to experience history being made.  The next total solar eclipse in my area will be in 2078.  According to nature, I won't be here to see it.  I hope my nephew, nieces, and cousins will be able to see this event and will be touched as much as I was by the handiwork of God!

by:  Brenda Kay Ledford

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