Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Roses perfume the mountain air,
God sends ministering angels
to light our path;
and help my mama heal.

God sends ministering angels
to lift our faltering spirits,
and help my mama heal.
Let us hide our thorns in roses.

To lift our faltering spirits,
teaching Mama to walk again;
let us hide our thorns in roses.
Sunshine breaks through the clouds.

Nurses disguised as angels
to light our path,
therapists filled with God's love;
roses perfume the mountain air.
             --Brenda Kay Ledford

Mama fell on March 7, 2015 and broke her hip.  She had surgery the next day and was in the hospital a month.  Now the Mountain Nursing Service is providing nurses and therapists to care for her at my home.  She's responding well and using a walker.  We are very pleased with the excellent service this agency is giving. 

I would appreciate very much your keeping Mama in your prayers as she recovers.

Also, I wish all my blogger friends a very Happy Mother's Day.

Saturday, April 11, 2015


April stirs sleeping roots,
pink azaleas dot the hillsides;
she whispers in the woods,
life bursting from earth's tomb.

Pink azaleas dot the hillsides,
sap flows through veins;
life bursting from earth's tomb,
dogwoods wear white crosses.

Sap flows through veins,
the valley glowing with verdant grass;
life bursting from earth's tomb,
a symphony of song birds.

Tulips splash rainbows on lawns,
she whispers in the woods,
renewal of the soul,
April stirs sleeping roots.
              --Brenda Kay Ledford

I hope all my blogger friends are enjoying this beautiful spring.  I think this spring is about the most marvelous we've ever had here in western North Carolina.

Happy Poems

 HAPPY POEMS Sunshine breaks through the clouds, the robins relish this day, a cheerful greeting. Lesley was a Bliss, she sparkles with happ...